Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Activists faces jail time for leaving water in desert

A Tucson man is convicted of littering on federal land because he left jugs of water for illegal immigrants walking through the desert.

Walt Staton, 27, a volunteer with the humanitarian group No More Deaths, faces up to one year in prison and a $10,000 fine. He will be sentenced Aug. 11.

Staton said he will continue leaving water despite the conviction, according to the Arizona Daily Star.

"I was just trying to save lives," he told the paper. "…We're not asking permission from the United States to save people's lives. We never have, because we know they'd say no."

His lawyer argued that leaving full water jugs didn't constitute littering just because someone else disposed the empty container elsewhere.

Prosecutors argued it shouldn't matter what Staton's intentions were. If it did, "Every bank robber would come in here and say they did it to save their dying grandmother," Assistant U.S. Attorney Lawrence Lee said.

Staton was cited Dec. 4 for littering when U.S. Border Patrol agents spotted him placing unopened gallon containers of water in the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge southwest of Tucson.

Photo: A group of migrants cross the desert between Sasabe, Mexico, and Sasabe, Arizona. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)


  1. Even if leaving stuff in a national park wasn't littering, which it is, there's also the slight matter that what he did was aiding and abetting illegal activities, Franco. If you gave a damn about the law, as it is obvious you do not, you would understand that.

    Thanks for playing. Now, get a REAL job, huh?

  2. To Anonymous @ 2:56PM:
    You are an heartless idiot.
    Yes, it's illegal to litter. But, it's hardly plausible that Mr. Stanton's humanitarian actions are "aiding and abetting illegal activities." You can't forget that these are PEOPLE just because they are trying to cross the border.

  3. To Anonymous @ 3:46 PM:

    I'm not heartless. I'm law-abiding. There's a difference. Illegal aliens are criminals the instant they cross the border without permission, and anyone who helps them is likewise a criminal. They can be people on THEIR side of the border; on this side, they are criminals.

  4. 2:56:

    It's easy to be a tough guy hiding in your mama's basement behind a computer screen.

    Thanks for playing. By the way, their ancestors were here before yours.

    I'll drink to you dying of thirst someday.

  5. It is not anonymous that's a heartless idiot it's all of us. Don't we elect the people that make the laws? What, are the laws created for everybody BUT Mr. Stanton? If that were the case the law would state that. You sure are quick to sling tha "idiot" word around.

  6. After reading the work of Shane Claiborne and being inspired by him, I have to think Jesus would be out there, leaving water behind. Humans first, criminals second. If I lived in the area, I would get hundreds of people to join me in leaving water for our fellow mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

  7. Again with the Franco bashing. No where in the article does he state his opninion. He just wrote the FACTS. Had a quote from each side of the story. Thats it.

  8. "Thanks for playing. By the way, their ancestors were here before yours."

    That's quite an assumption. For all you know he's of Hispanic or Native American heritage. Or, the people drinking the water might be a bunch of Norwegians trying to enter the US through Mexico.

    By your simple minded logic, we should just let Middle Eastern terrorists just have the US. After all, their ancestors were on Earth first.

  9. "After reading the work of Shane Claiborne and being inspired by him, I have to think Jesus would be out there, leaving water behind. Humans first, criminals second. If I lived in the area, I would get hundreds of people to join me in leaving water for our fellow mothers, fathers, sons and daughters."

    I am reading a book of his right now and immediately thought the same thing. Kudos to Mr. Staton for doing something decent for others without regard for how he would be punished or viewed because of it.

  10. my understanding is that an illegal status is a civil, not criminal, issue. if that is the case, then all the haters are wrong in their assertion that these folks are criminals!

    regardless, there is no death penalty for illegal immigration. so why do you jerks wish these people would die in the desert???

  11. First of all you should know you'll need to carry water if you're cruisin through the desert. Second, really...$10,000 and 1 year is a little ridiculous. But I can see how some people could view it as aiding and abetting. Crossing the border like that is illegal.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Common Sense 101: If they don't want to die of thirst in the desert, I suggest that they NOT walk through the desert. And if you don't want to get shot trying to cross the border illegally, don't try to cross the border illegally.

    Honestly, some of you people are the sort who have to be reminded not to put plastic bags over your heads and not to eat the drain cleaner. People who cross the border illegally do so at their own risk and as it is a criminal act, anyone who assists them in this enterprise is likewise a criminal. I hope this guy gets the maximum sentence.

  14. As a Christian, I'm a member of a Kingdom that respects no man-made imaginary lines on earthly maps. It is my duty to help with the welfare of all my brothers and sisters, not matter what temporary earthly governments label them "legal" or "illegal."

    As Martin Luther King wrote from a jail cell in Birmingham, “One may ask: ‘How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?’ The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’”

    I kneel before the Cross, not the flag. I think there should be more flags in church, though - we're washing feet and can use some dirty rags.

  15. The reality is that illegal immigrants make a choice to break the law. They CHOOSE to walk across the desert, break the laws of a sovereign nation by crossing it's borders, and steal from said nation by utilizing social services intended for its citizens.

    In almost any other country on Earth, trespassers would be shot dead at the border. That's why it's a border.

    I'm really sorry that the state of their home nations is so pathetic. Yes, they're human beings. But do you let the white trash family living in a trailer down the road move into the house YOU have paid for? You might have more credibility if you did... rather than asking the inane WWJD question.

    If you want to read a book, I'd suggest picking one up that talks about the long-term consequences to our nation from illegal immigration. Americans give enough money to other nations to help prop them up. It's time for illegals to be turned back at our borders. And the people who hire them in spite of their legal status need to spend a few years in jail. For each offense.

  16. To the IDIOT who said to put poison in the water, real nice. Let's kill men women and little children because they are crossing into "our" country and they are just criminals anyway. Let's watch the children die in the mothers' arms. They aren't real people. They're just a bunch of Mexicans. To hell with them! (Yes, sarcasm is intended). You, my friend, are an idiot.

  17. I kneel before the Cross, not the flag. I think there should be more flags in church, though - we're washing feet and can use some dirty rags.

    Wow... so the flag should be used as a dirty rag? I dare you to say that out loud in front of your church members, boyo. But you won't, because you're a coward.
    If you're so keen on illegal immigrants, why don't you just move south of the border and see how welcome they make YOU!

  18. The thing that makes this case tricky, is that the judge is obviously trying to punish the view of the activist, not render judgments to the case at hand. There are really two issues, first amendment rights, and the actual littering. He should a fair and just sentence if they deem it littering, and I think a year in prison is not fair and just. Secondly, there is the question, is this an ideal or statement, such as burning a flag or waving a flag, or is this just a general felony of aiding illegal immigrants?
    If he could of been found for aiding illegal immigrants within reason, I would assume they would of done that, but rather they did not choose to go that route.
    Therefore it's just manipulation of law to make a statement.
    Which I agree we should do everything we can to stop illegal immigrants; build 100 foot wall 30 feet deep. However, it is the government that is permissive in letting immigrants cross at ease. Does anyone prosecute the government when it treats an illegal immigrant in a hospital?
    No, this is a very clever stripping of the rights of free speech. Today, they lock up the guy who supports something you don't like so it's ok, but tomorrow what happens if its your cause? What if it's because you left a picket sign behind protesting war, or protesting for war? Then you are in jail, then what?

  19. Illegal immigrant or not, but if you plan to cross the desert without bringing enough water, you should get what's coming to you. You are a moron and the human race doesn't need you to reproduce.

    People millions of years ago figured out that the desert was hot and dry and that packing water was pretty important. Not these people.

  20. Too much hate flying around here for me. To the couple of you who tried: It's no use in this crowd. Save your breath, there's nothing to be done with some of these folks.

  21. Must be that damn new bougeouise white Latino of European caucasoid race ancestry Sotomayor female Supreme Court judge influence since she hasnt been confirmed yet.

    She thinks she knows better than those white male activists who are dishing out the water for the peasant illegals.

    Next make sure they use non-white activist males only.They know better.

  22. HipRhyme said...

    my understanding is that an illegal status is a civil, not criminal, issue. if that is the case, then all the haters are wrong in their assertion that these folks are criminals!

    regardless, there is no death penalty for illegal immigration. so why do you jerks wish these people would die in the desert???
    June 10, 2009 4:15 PM

    No, it is a crime. Its a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony for every one thereafter. But you keep reading those liberal blogs, because facts don't matter.

  23. "Wow... so the flag should be used as a dirty rag? I dare you to say that out loud in front of your church members, boyo. But you won't, because you're a coward."

    You must belong one of those churches that serves the Empire, not the Jesus. Perhaps one of the political country clubs known as "Southern Baptist."

    Yes, a few churches actually follow the teachings of Jesus instead the teachings of the empire.

  24. After reading this story I donated money to the organization providing water to the desert to prevent deaths.
    After reading some of the comments left here by so-called christians I just feel sick.
    All I can say is, if you people think you're like jesus then he must have been a big loser.

  25. Those of us who have seen illegals rob, steal, etc when they came here have little sympathy for him. Put him in prison for life. If I had my way all illegals in this country would put in prison (just like Americans are in Mexico). If they come here again they should be shot just like an invading army. Franko, who writes sympathy articles about illegals is anti-American. Look in places like Rock Hill at the illegals who have taken jobs. Many times from African-Americans. I say let the illegals die if they come here illegally.

    Am I heartless. Maybe so. But tired of them taking, taking, taking....

  26. Here is a thought. Just like all liberals, Stanton is not trying to improve their lives, just ease a guilty concience. Why doesn't he MOVE to Mexico and open a company producing something? That way, they won't HAVE to try to enter this country illegally. Of course that is assuming that Stanton even has a job.

  27. Regardless of why he is doing this - it is against the law and apparently he has been warned. This is where the problem of enforcing the law as it is written or using your "rich personal experiences" to interpret the law. A judge is to enforce the law as it is written. It does seem a little extreme, but that's the way it is. There are many people who don't like seatbelt laws or child-seat laws, or age limits to purchase beer or cigarettes either. But just because you do not agree with a law doesn't mean you are not required to abide by it. The fine and jail time is probably what it is because he has made it clear he has no intention of stopping.

  28. I don't recognize this country anymore and it's gonna get worse

  29. Just let them die in the desert. People are dying because of poverty everyday. What difference a few hundred more bodies would make?

    For myself, I would go to Church this Sunday, thanking the Lord for the lovely family He has given me, thanking Him for the water and food I receive everyday.

    Although the thought of those illegal Mexicans dying of thirst and hunger in the desert would still linger in my mind this Sunday, but ...screw them. For God's sake, I am a church goer, not one of those poor border crossing illegal immigrants.

  30. Yes, a few churches actually follow the teachings of Jesus instead the teachings of the empire.

    Well, buddy, it's that 'empire' that gives you the rights to have your opinion. It's that 'empire' that has sent men to the moon, probes into space, created the Hubble telescope, the computer, modern technology. The citizens of this 'empire' have fought wars to protect your civil liberties... those granted by the state, not by 'God'.

    It's been more than two thousand years since Jesus was around. Just like Houdini, he hasn't come back and won't be coming back. If it was up to people like you, we'd be walking through the desert next to the Hi-spanics illegals you seem to cherish more than your neighbors.

    What a schmuck.

  31. Hey anon. 5:21:

    What would our "empire" have ever accomplished without those "Hi-spanics'" ancestors the Mayan's giving us the concept of zero?

    Think before you hit the enter key.

  32. Congratulations Anonymous @2:56 you have made a complete but.hol. of Anonymous @3:46. All that name calling indicates they do not have an argument to make so they are reduced to stupidity. I agree with your assessment 100%. That guy should get prison time for helping them break immigration laws as well as littering on government property. When will it sink into the left and Latinos heads NO ONE is against them coming if they apply and come the right way. We all against them breaking our laws with impunity. As for the land used to be theirs, tell them to take it back the way we took it, send their army. Enough of this, the law is the law and I will write congress people however many times I have to. This dumb stuff has to stop, we can not finance everyone crossing the border. Healthcare, foodstamps, welfare, wic, vouchers for section 8, and on and on should not be given to people who are here illegally. Our taxes are going to increase as long as they continue flooding the country illegally rather than an organised manner where we can plan for who and how many can enter and make provisions for it. Gee is that hard to understand? Everything seems hard to understand for selfish people and that's the left, selfish and childish. Someone pls help 'em grow up!

  33. The funny thing is when people assume these are sweet innocent women and children crossing, and not terrorist and drug mules. They are breaking the law to begin with but lets assume they are all just good people. Why even have a border?

  34. In almost any other country on Earth, trespassers would be shot dead at the border. That's why it's a border.

    This is the sort of thing a person says when he has never travelled anywhere.

    Other than war zones, there are virtually no countries on earth in which walking across a border is considered a serious offense. The majority of countries would simply put you on the next train home, with a lighter wallet of course.

    Only in the USA, and a handful of third-world countries, are armed mercenaries allowed to patrol the border and take on police powers with impunity.

    Stanton is not trying to improve their lives

    You're right. He's trying to save their lives. How many lives have you saved, Bill?

  35. To all the people commenting on this article using the theory of "What Would Jesus Do?", let me ask you this. Why aren't you showing the same compassion in regards to people legally living in the USA? Are you people out there supplying food & shelter to the homeless people all across this Nation? Are you out there providing medical care for all the people who can't afford it? Are you out there helping clean up all the destruction left by Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana and Mississippi? Are you out there trying to fix all the woes of every American citizen to make certain they are taken care of the way Jesus would do?

    If you can't answer yes to EVERY one of these plus the countless other issues that face LEGAL American citizens on a daily basis, then you are no more than a hypocrite.

    As far as the issue of illegal immigrants aren't actually illegal due to the first infraction being a misdemeanor, you people really need to look up the definition of illegal. A misdemeanor is simply a classification of something that is illegal. It doesn't mean something is now legal. It simply means it is a lesser offense than a felony. But as it was pointed out earlier, any offense after the first one is a felony.

    As far as the laws being applied unjust, that happens every day in this country. What are all you people doing about those laws? Such as a person getting sentenced to a mandatory minimum sentence of 55 yrs in prison for selling marijuana? Yet if you high jack a plane, the sentence is 24 yrs. If you rape a child three times, you get 10 yrs. Deidre Lane shot her husband twice with a shotgun, once in the back of the head and only got 8 yrs. Where is the justice in this???

    For all the people who want to talk about what happened over 200 yrs ago, get over it. Not one person on this planet was alive back then. Nor did anyone alive now have ANYTHING to do with that. But there is something we can do about this. The problem is the majority of lawmakers in office these days, don't do their job.

    Everyone that supports illegally crossing the border, loves to forget the fact that this country DOES have laws in place to allow people to come to this country LEGALLY. The same can't be stated about almost every other country on this planet. Yet these people would prefer to do whatever it is they choose and then pay no consequences for their actions.

    Last point, in my long going statement here. Illegal aliens do drain public resources from people who are here legally. If you don't believe this, just drive over to the Charlotte Community Health Clinic on Eastway at the Wal-Mart shopping center and see for yourself. The majority of people that utilize this facility, which is funded by tax payer $, are here illegally. There was even a story here in the Observer about a yr ago that clearly spelled this out. They don't ask for proof of legal status because they state they are more concerned with helping people. But at the same time they are packed constantly and have a hard time seeing new patients because they are maxed out on resources. Not to mention all the illegals attending CMS schools, using our hospital emergency rooms, etc...

  36. What would our "empire" have ever accomplished without those "Hi-spanics'" ancestors the Mayan's giving us the concept of zero?

    More to the point, what would our "empire" look like without Hi-spanic slave labor to build and maintain all those purty subdivisions?

    Come to think of it, what HASN'T the "empire" built on the back of cheap/free labor?

  37. Are you people out there supplying food & shelter to the homeless people all across this Nation? Are you out there providing medical care for all the people who can't afford it? Are you out there helping clean up all the destruction left by Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana and Mississippi? Are you out there trying to fix all the woes of every American citizen to make certain they are taken care of the way Jesus would do?

    Feeding the homeless
    Universal medical care
    Federal aid to disaster victims
    Caring for the poor as Jesus did
    Having concern for the wellbeing of immigrants

    That reads like a manifesto of progressive values. Anyone who voted blue has already had a hand in making these changes to the lives of legal residents.

    Your post is an epic, epic fail. All you did was solidify that progressives have a moral compass, unlike those who value money over human lives and wellbeing.

  38. Everyone that supports illegally crossing the border, loves to forget the fact that this country DOES have laws in place to allow people to come to this country LEGALLY. The same can't be stated about almost every other country on this planet.

    I almost forgot this one. It's so hysterically inaccurate, I don't know whether to laugh at you or cry for you.

  39. I would give them water, and then I'd call the border patrol and have them deported.

    As it is, the law is the law. Those illigal immigrants coming across the border must know it gets hot and they will need water, it is their own fault. Really. But, most don't want to carry the water because it slows them down. That's too bad. They undertook to break the law, they should have planned their criminal activity better. It's not up to me or that man to help make it easier for someone to break the law.

    And usually, it's not just the illegalness of crossong the border that these illegal immigrants will undertake. Stolen Social Security numbers so that they can get a job, identity theft. Those that don't use a stolen SS number and work "under the table" are breaking laws and not paying taxes. The spreading of violent hispanic gangs comes with these massive illegal migrations.

    Our resources are already spread thin, we cannot afford to absorb these illegals anymore.

    Enforce our laws and protect our borders.

    The Immigrant Gang Plague



    Her ATM card, illegal immigrant's face

    The secret list of ID theft victims


  40. Rather than leaving water he should have posted a sign a few feet from the Mexico / US border that reads "You are here illegally. Please leave." or "Usted está aquí ilegalmente. Salga por favor."

    By the way, Mexicans vigorously patrol the Guatemala / Mexico border and turn back Guatemalans. How hypocritical!

  41. Hey, Mexican's filthy cities are full of litter. Because there's litter everywhere over ther the Tucson guy was just making them feel at home...

    Franco, pobre y frustrado anchor baby, why don't you go there to give water away?

  42. Anonymouds 6:07 PM. You nailed it.

    There's a huge military presence in the Guatemala / Mexico border indeed, but the drug controlled Mexican government prefers to whine and accuse US of been heartless and abusive.

  43. I used to leave 12 packs of PBR on the side of Franklin Street in Gastonia in case a redneck happened to be walking by on his way to the the closed mill. Nobody here ever complained.

  44. "You're right. He's trying to save their lives. How many lives have you saved, Bill?"

    Save their lives? Really? How do you know? Again, if he REALLY cared about them like he says, he would give up his cushy life here in the states and take his miserable butt down to Mexico and try to make their lives better down there. But then hypocrisy was always the liberals best worn suit.

  45. If Stanton really wants to help, why doesn't he go into Mexico and help the people demand more from THEIR government?

    Employers that hire illegals should be treated the same as Stanton. If there were no jobs for illegals, they would quit coming in such droves.

    Lock down the border. Build the fence already. I am so disappointed in our govt for allowing illegal immigrants to flood our country and drain our resources.

    Enough is enough! Deport all illegal immigrants and their children. Stop the madness!

  46. Why does the value of one's life decrease with longitude?

  47. I think its time US citizens start having marches and demanding our laws be enforced. We need to pull together and unleash our disdain together. Maybe then our government would listen.

  48. interesting issue at hand.

    putting myself in an illegals shoes,
    it is easy to understand why these folks would want to come here.

    And why the risk is worth the reward, but I guess the practical side of me started thinking these folks are SNEAKING over the border, they know what they are doing wrong.

    What goes in these folks minds when they cross the border illegally? and start working illegally? and get free health care illegally?

    You know these folks are perfectly aware there is the legal process in which to enter the U.S. they choose to bypass that process, why does not matter, it is a choice they make...and one they should be held accountable for.

    The judge did the right thing.

  49. Well, legalities aside; nobody deserves to die because they're trying to get a better life for their families. People all through history have done stupid stuff to make a better life for themselves. Likewise, nobody deserves a year in jail for obviously providing humanitarian aid. I think probably Jesus would side with this kid.

  50. Ohhhh so this is where empathy trumps law. What if he was leaving water for minute men who were trying to stop illegal immigration? Would you feel the same?

  51. Well, buddy, it's that 'empire' that gives you the rights to have your opinion. It's that 'empire' that has sent men to the moon, probes into space, created the Hubble telescope, the computer, modern technology. The citizens of this 'empire' have fought wars to protect your civil liberties... those granted by the state, not by 'God'.

    No, reguardless of what the law says, good moral people speak out for what is right. When early Christians refused to bow before Rome. the were thrown in prison. In the new Rome/Babylon - America - it doesn't really matter what the law says - good moral people will do what is right. Remember, this American empire is the same one that threw people in prison for helping free slaves, and threw people in jail for refusing to give up seats on buses.

    I don't give a flying fly what the temporary rulers of a temporary, earthly government say - I will follow the moral law. An immoral law is no law at all to a just person.

    This is the Law I will follow:

    "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing."

    For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

    "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

    "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

  52. After reading some of the hateful low-life replies here, I wish the Native Americans had been powerful enough to treat your illegal immigrant ancestors the way you want to treat these new immigrants. Then the world would be better place without you backwards toothless hick bigots ever being born.

  53. The khazar jew zionist conspiracy to destroy America by promoting the importation of a 'constituent class' is all too transparent. Mis-named 'anti racists' and 'anti fascists' are nothing more than mindless 'tools'.

    Patriotic American Citizen
    (not jew tool)

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Save their lives? Really? How do you know?

    Because that is the only reasonable explanation for leaving jugs of water in a desert. Rub your brain cells together next time.

    Again, if he REALLY cared about them like he says, he would give up his cushy life here in the states and take his miserable butt down to Mexico and try to make their lives better down there.

    This line of "I don't want to think about the issue, I want to complain about it" tripe doesn't work when you're talking about an activist. He IS working to make their lives better... thus the term ACTIVIST!

    Calling a man who went to jail on principle a "hypocrite" is weak, even for a right winger.

  56. The hypocrisy some in this forum spew is almost laughable. Similar to that the Mexican government. While demanding we should open our borders and give amnesty to the illegals already here, they refuse to do the same with illegal immigrants in their country and they brutally crackdown on their border with Guatemala. A nation *cannot* have uncontrolled massive amounts of illegal immigrants flooding into their country. And their should *never* be a "reward" via amnesty to those who have broken the law to come here... never. This country doesn't even come close to the brutal means Mexico uses to keep Guatemalans out of their country, and Mexicans would never agree to give Guatemalans amnesty... most Mexicans absolutely hate Guatemalans. They see them as some Americans see Mexicans. Illegal immigration is one the main reasons why so many Mexicans hate Guatemalans. But, they are far worse in their treatment of illegal immigrants than we could come close to. And they dare lecture us. Give me a break you ignorant lying hypocrites.

    Mexico's Border Crackdown

    Mexico's Other Border

    Despising Guatemalans


  57. Maybe we should leave out hand held GPS systems with saved location points for DSS, along with the water. Is this guy going to start leaving boats in the gulf for the cubans? This is absurd. Illegal is illegal. No one is forcing them to jeapordize their lives.

  58. TO 7:38 pm

    After reading most of the comments
    finally something that really really makes sense.AT LAST!

    P E R I O D .

  59. I have friends from Europe who can "play by the rules" and come here. Why can't the Mex's?

  60. to 9:01
    becaue your friends from europe don't even need a visa to come to the usa as visitors moron. Oh and i forgot they are white so they are welcome with open arms. for those who keep saying there is a legal process to come here why don't they abide by it, i say to them, don't you think if the legal process was easy they would pay the $100 visa fee and come instead of risking their lives and paying thousands to koyotes. Getting a visa to the USA is like finding water in the desert, it is reserved for the wealthy, affluent foreigners who don't need to come to the USA to better their socieconmical status. Please think before you post and show your stupidity. To all the hater hicks on this forum, i say keep consuming your bigoted hearts with hate, you are only adversely affecting yourselves. This country is not yours, show me the deed or title that you own this land assholes. Minortities are taking over and not a damn thing you can do about it. it makes me laugh everytime i read those hateful statements, it is a losing battle for them. throughout history, borders contract and expand whter by force or by demographics. the latinos are taking the land that was taken from them by force, only they are wiser, they are taking it without force, simply by demographics. one last thing, white women can't seem to get enough of minorities, so maybe that's why you are so pissed and angry, not getting some at home because the colored man is getting it instead? Adios amigos.laftenes

  61. The same people who railed against segregation in the 50's and 60's are the same bigots who spew hate towards immigrants. Same bigots, different target.

    Deep down they are just mad because in the November election they became the one thing they hate the most - a minority.

    They are a dying breed. Let their bigotry die off with them.

  62. If he really wants to help these people, he should leave a cahce of fake social security cards, driver's licenses, and other forged IDs to help them get jobs. I'm sure Jesus would do this too, right?

  63. 20 to 30 million cowards who are afraid to change there own country so they break in to ours. They want gov. hand-outs. They bring in with them drugs,diseases and poverty. Teachers are so busy trying to communicate with the illegals public schools don't have time to teach citizens. My people arrived here when there was no welfare state. Carlito when you people are in the majority who is going to fund your welfare state. this will no longer be a shining city on the hill but a third world country.

  64. I hope he keeps doing what he's doing! Human lives are more important than littering, more important even than immigration laws.

  65. Also, it's amazing to me that people are willing to say, "They don't have to be out there -- they could've stayed in Mexico, so let them die for their choices." Really?

    We have such a "deserve" based mindset. Do the homeless DESERVE our help, or are they drug addicts, in which case they don't DESERVE to eat? Do the moms on welfare DESERVE assistance, or did they exhibit poor family planning, in which case they (and their kids) don't DESERVE to eat?

    I can honestly say I'm so, so glad God didn't say, "Well, do these sinners DESERVE to be saved?" because the answer is, of course, no.

    Absolutely regardless of your immigration politics and laws that need to be in place... bottom line, we can't decide someone DESERVES to die. Everyone should have basic provisions of food, water, shelter, etc. I don't care if it's an alcoholic, cocaine-addicted, ornery, got-himself-into-his-own-mess LEPER, we can't say with our human judgement that someone deserves to die.

  66. Oh Julie, you naive thing.

    First of all, god doesn't say anything, because even if it exists (doubtful) he/she/ET could care less what happens to some moron who *chose* to cross a hot desert without enough water. More than likely even after hearing the stories from others or in the media about the dangers in the desert. That person made the decsion, that person also decided to come here illegally. He is responsible for himself- not some god, not some alien being, not the US and not me.

    I don't wish anyone dead, nor do I hate. Wishes aren't real. Hate takes too much energy. What is real- survival of the fittest. Either by using strength and/or intelligence. Persons chosing to cross the border illegally without preparations, aren't using the intelligence part of surviving... so they fail. That's not my fault, your fault or the government's fault.

    Obviously, if your god cared enough, he would drop bottles of Aquafina from the sky for those poor dimwitted fools. If he/she/ET really cared, he'd reward all those catholics and god fearing folks in Mexico with a country full of wealth. Perhaps, they need to pray harder. Especially, before they make a journey into the desert without enough water. They aren't Jesus, even if they name some of their children after him.

    Bottom line- god can't help them, you can't help them, our government can't help them- they need to help themselves and change *their* country, and stop helping themselves to our resources and tax money.

  67. I have a great idea, if they want to be safe and live, stay in Mexico. We have enough people already here that need help and don't get it. Btw, we have no idea who or what kinda of people one would be helping here. All we really know is they already don't respect our laws before they ever even step foot in our country.

  68. Sorry - your bleeding heart story doesn't work. What he did ENCOURAGED others to break the law as he did himself. It was not only wrong, but unwise.

  69. He's just being charged for littering, not conspiring with terrorists trying to enter the country.

  70. This is sad and these guys should have been released immediately!

    Thank you Observer for bringing this to our attention finally.

    Here they are officially patrolling the border as border guards and a drug dealer is shot at while trying to and finally escapes back to Mexico leaving his stash. Then the US brings this scumbag back to testify against these officers who are put in jail for doing their job........

    Oh wait I must be thinking about another story that the Observer only did a few lines about. What was this story about littering?

    People helping or abetting an illegal activity?

    Illegal activity with forethought.

    Circumventing the Federal Laws.

    Exposing other citizens to danger from Illegal Aliens or even terrorists.

    Adding the enemy in the case of a terrorist. Not that any terrorist would come into this country over the border....yeah right!

    I must have missed all of that in this story. My heart is full and now I realize that the government should provide watering stations all over the desert.

    Heck why not just grow grass everywhere. That would help stimulate the economy and would be a way to waste a lot of money, something the government needs to find apparently.

    So thanks Observer we can depend on you to hold the laws of the United States up above any rights of Illegals.

  71. Maybe he should have left a car door, and then the illegal alien could carry it with him, and when he got hot he could roll the window down.

  72. Anonymous said...

    "...Thanks for playing. By the way, their ancestors were here before yours.

    I'll drink to you dying of thirst someday.

    June 10, 2009 3:54 PM"

    Does this poster understand it is the govt causing this problem?

    This other complete liberal idiot myth about somebodys ancestors being here first and owning this land is absolute ignorance.

    Those who defend the millions of scattered tribes of former Asian migrant pagan mongoloid race reds in this land before the "evil" whiteman came need to corrected from their ignorance of history.

    Blog owner Franco should advise these liberal ignorant ones not to insult and lie about his wealthy European white Latino ancestors who were not evil and did not bring diseases to kill off the pagan cannibalistic savages already here who owned nothing.

    America was founded by the great white caucasoid European Latino Italian missionary Chris Columbus and his 3 small Spanish ships Nina Pinta and Santa Marie heroically sailed 3k miles before founding what would be North America and the western hemisphere.

    Francos brave Euro caucasoid race Latino ancestors proceeded to conquer these pagan cannibal reds and killed off most of them who were unsavable animalisitic uncivilized and warlike.

    The goal of the white European was to conquer pagan evil savage land the world over and convert the pagan occupants to "white man religion" christianity as instructed to do.

    The real owners of these vast new western lands were the christian Europeans who sailed here and defeated the savages teaching them western culture language and religion while setting up European civilization.

    Just as the great christian Crusaders of 1000 yes ago sent by the Roman Universal empire white Latino Vatican and Pope leader defeated the unholy pagan muslims in a 200 year war to recapture the Holy Land, so shall all pagan land be done the same.

  73. This land was made for you and me...

    W. Guthrie

  74. Folk singer Guthrie was referring only to legal American citizens owning this land NOT illegal outsider citizens of a foreign nation mooching here taking jobs from legal citizens while adding to the tax burden debts manipulating the system with government welfare free medicals foodstamps housing education etc.
    Unfortunately for these johnny come lately illegals the US Govt decided 100 yrs ago that we didnt need anymore immigrants after 100 million flooded here during times of vacancy so they put out the no vacancy sign like all motels at Myrtle Beach on July 4th. What part of the NO dont they understand?

    Noone else asks the question why these illegals dont forfeit their right of citizenship in Mexico and explain this to the immigration authorities so you can be put on the waiting list with a green card. Oh no. They will never forfeit their old citizenship.

    Obv they want their cake and eat it too...

  75. Original verses of "This Land is Your Land" included:

    There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me;
    Sign was painted, it said private property;
    But on the back side it didn't say nothing;
    That side was made for you and me.

    In the squares of the city, In the shadow of a steeple;
    By the relief office, I'd seen my people.
    As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking,
    Is this land made for you and me?

    You want to talk about American heritage, that's REAL American folk heritage. Guthrie knew well what kind of society turns its back on the poor and desperate.

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  76. Piss on another " bleeding heart, and his lawyer".

  77. Woody the white cracka who couldnt sing a lick like Bob Dylan was a union organizer commie lib referring to poor white European trash who sold everything they had boarding ships for a month long trip across the pond in search of a better home than Europe where the monarchy tyrants treated them like peasant dirt.

    People need to understand the Americas were founded settled and created by Latino Europeans for Latino Europeans along with Anglicans. Its that simple.

    Had there never been the totally unneeded vast mistake of African slavery there would never have been Africans and todays 35 million unhappy whiny ungratefuls here would be living back in their good ole 3rd world jungle roots happy as a lark plus there would never have been a split nor a king Abe marxist war to create ill will since whites in the north and south had nothing against each other before he and his new red GOP came along at the same time the Manifesto was published in 1848.
    Slavery was needed like a hole in the head just like todays illegal migration. But Bush and Bama who both worship King Abe are for it. The original lib marxist GOP founded in 1854needs to return to its roots.

  78. A New Forum in memory of Brisenia Flores with Instant Informations about these Racial Murders of Children and other Racial Abuses like threatening Schools

    Dear Friends :

    I want to give this important piece of News to you and your readers :

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    Vicente Duque
