Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bollywood saga strikes N.C.

A movie-strike happening in India has a N.C. theater scrambling to find movies to show.
The (Raleigh) News & Observer reports that Galaxy Cinema, a six screen art house in Cary, is struggling to find Hindi-language films to show to its largely Indian clientele.

Indian movie producers and multiplex owners are fighting over profits. In April, the producers and distributors stopped releasing films to Indian multiplexes.

Galaxy Cinema usually reserves one or sometimes two of its theaters for Indian-produced films. They account for about 25 percent of the theater revenues.

The region is home to a bustling Indian population. Many Indian families visit the area on weekends to shop at Indian stories and eat at the restaurants. They know the Galaxy usually has a good Hindi-language film playing.

Since the strike, the owners have been showing older Indian films. American movies have never attracted as many clients. Nonetheless, trying to make up for about 25 percent loss in revenue, the theater recently showed "Star Trek" and "Terminator Salvation."

Photos: (Top) A patron enters the theater during 'Swades,' the only Indian-produced film showing at the Galaxy Cinema in Cary. And projectionist Cory Livengood prepares to show 'Swades.' Before the strike it would show two Bollywood films at once. ROBERT WILLETT/News & Observer


  1. Well holy hindi, my weekend is just ruined now.

  2. Bollywood is great - in India. Not here.

  3. And this should be of interest to us because...?

  4. This is a story?
