Thursday, July 30, 2009

Advocates: Enforcement works

The illegal immigrant population in North Carolina has dropped 13 percent since 2007, according to a new report released today by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies.

The state numbers mirror the national average, which declined 13.7 percent from a peak of 12.5 million illegal immigrants in the summer of 2007 to 10.8 million in the first quarter of 2009, according to the center’s analysis of Census data.

The center's analysis is similar to other recent studies that show that the unprecedented flood of illegal immigrants into the state and country has slowed. The Pew Hispanic Center reported in April that the illegal immigrant population grew rapidly from 1990 to 2006 but has since stabilized. Pew estimates 11.9 million unauthorized immigrants live in the United States; 350,000 in North Carolina.

The Pew Hispanic Center said it’s unclear whether illegal immigrants are returning home. The Center for Immigration Studies says otherwise. Authors say the number of illegal immigrants returning home has more than doubled in the last two years compared to earlier in this decade.

The Center for Immigration Studies, which supports greater controls of immigration, also challenges the findings of other demographers who have attribute the drop in illegal immigration almost exclusively to the economy.

“It does seem that nationally, the fall-off began before the economy tanked suggesting that increased enforcement in the last two years in the Bush administration played a roll in having the numbers fall,” said Steven Camarota, co-author of the study.

The center says the decline, whatever the cause, challenges the argument that illegal immigrants are so attached to their lives in this country that it’s not possible to induce them to return home. The center's authors say if the current trend continues for another five years, it could cut the illegal population in half from its peak in the summer of 2007.

The study, “A Shifting Tide: Recent Trends in the Illegal Immigrant Population,” can be read here.

Other findings from the study:

  • The number of new illegal immigrants has fallen by about a third in the last two years compared to earlier in this decade.
  • The illegal immigrant population rose in the summer of 2007, while U.S. legislators were considering legalizing illegal immigrants. When that legislation failed to pass, the illegal population began a dramatic fall.
  • While the illegal-immigrant population has declined, the legal immigrant population has not. As a result, the overall foreign-born population has held relatively steady.
  • Another indication that enforcement has contributed to the decline is that the illegal immigrant population began falling before there was a significant rise in the unemployment rate for illegal immigrants.
  • While the decline began before unemployment among illegal immigrants rose, since then unemployment among illegal immigrants has increased dramatically and must now be playing a significant role in reducing their numbers.


  1. A silver lining in the economic cloud...LOL

  2. If we can count illegal 'aliens' (not 'immigrants'), why don't we ship them back to where they belong?

  3. I was also wondering that if the INS knows the exact number of "illegal aliens", why don't they just deport them and save the taxpayers a lot of hassle. It all seems very strange considering the economic downturn and the and social mess (crime, over-population, lowering educational standards etc) the US is in.

  4. I may be able to get a job now

  5. I have no beef with all these illegals coming here or immigrants I just wish the Government would do a head cunt beofre inviting all these People here and no jobs. INDIA and China have most of the grunt jobs that were once here and People jkeep coming here to find jobs try INDIA or China you may have better luck because of cheap slave labor.
    Itchy pants

  6. Look PABLO The U.S. is now behind CHINA and INDIA in Population ; Yes we are now third population and heres my point. When the birth rate gets this high there will be a dramatic huge world war ; This is a historical fact and I will go into why later . The U.S. has way to many People and so does Mexico and China and INDIA what next a GRAND WAR theatre Yes starting in the Middle east and drifting to AFRICA . Can anyone tell me I have heard that wars drift in a certain pattern much like the wond. If a war is started in a Country it drifts to the RIGHT OR left to other Countries? Im asking

  7. It makes me happy to see the illegal alien population drop. Even though I want all illegals out of the country, they could get more support if they all spoke English anytime they were outside of their home. I find it quite irritating when I am out and about and I see people speaking Spanish. My impression is that those who are speaking Spanish or any other language are an illegals.

  8. What about my yard? What about my home?

  9. Why hasn't Congress volunteered the proposed Health Care Reform information on the illegal population. Providing health care to the millions of illegal immigrants should encourage everyone to vote against the bill.

  10. I'll keep this short; GOOD!

  11. I'm a little concerned. If all the illegal immigrants leave, who is going to mow my lawn?, or paint my house?, or clean the office building I work in? Are these the jobs you are worried are not going to Americans?? Why not get a college education and not worry about losing your job to people who don't even speak English. You never hear a doctor, lawyer, or engineer worried about losing thier job to illegal immigrants.

  12. Obama's going to give them free health care. Paid for by you & me!

  13. Well soon there won't be any illegals since Osama and most of the government want to give them free citizenship.

  14. It is WONDERFUL that the illegal invaders are returning to their points of origin. Now if we could only get YOU, franco to go somewhere else with them and take your criminal coddling ass away from the USA!

  15. Well, I will celebrate this type os news as soon as I see FRANCO, the Anchor baby heading to the border too.

  16. FYI, Franco is a US born Citizen. Not just because someone has a Hispanic name means he or she is an immigrant.

  17. Immigrants_R_Human_TooAugust 2, 2009 at 7:28 PM

    And I would like to see the media STOP using the term "illegal immigrant." It tends to put emphasis on an entire group of people, many of whom are LEGAL. It breaks my heart to see so much hateful things being said against a group of people, many of them are just looking for work and an opportunity to give their families back home a financial boost. There is NOTHING ILLEGAL about that!
