Tuesday, December 1, 2009

'Bad bill of the year'

Voters selected a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to enroll in N.C. community colleges as the year’s worst bill.

The Civitas Institute, a Raleigh-based conservative think tank, hosted the NCAA march madness-style competition. The tournament began with 32 bills that Civitas staff had written about and nominated throughout 2009 as a “Bad Bill of the Week.” More than 10,000 votes were cast throughout the tournament, according to the institute.

State Senate Bill 848 defeated a public financing of municipal campaigns bill by a vote of 63-37. Neither of the two bills passed.

“The voters have spoken and declared SB 848 as this year’s worst bill of the year,” said Francis De Luca, executive director of the Civitas Institute. “SB 848 was able to defeat some really bad pieces of legislation on its way to the title, so it truly earned its victory.”

The bill was introduced in the midst of controversy over whether the state Board of Community Colleges should admit illegal immigrants to the state's 58 community colleges.

In September, the board approved a policy that would admit illegal immigrants provided they pay out-of-state tuition. The policy is expected to be implemented sometime in 2010.

NC Listen, which advocates for stronger immigration enforcement, is lobbying to prevent the policy change from being enacted.

“In the middle of one of the worst recessions in American history, our N.C. Community College Board decides to help illegal immigrants enroll in college when our state unemployment rate is 11 percent and citizens need help with retraining and education” said Ron Woodard, director of NC Listen.

Supporters of the policy say it will only impact a small amount of people and won't take away seats from U.S. citizens.


  1. Democrat policies in action - the same brainchildren that decided to raise sales and income tax (and f&B) during the worst recession seen in generations.

    You don't like it - quit voting for the bleeding heart liberals.

    ps-WAY to reward illegal behavior with an education (more costly or not, they should be rewarded with a one-way ticket home where they can apply for LEGAL citizenship like so many immigrants have done.)

  2. If the only reason Bush allowed 10-20 million here was to do jobs nobody else would do then how can taxpayer strapped commun colleges help build millions more houses to be foreclosed on again? Or pave roads or make beds in hotels? Forget the many diseases being brought back like polio diptheria tuberculosis not to mention a plague of lice and bed bugs ...

  3. The voters didn't adobt this bill...our Democratic govenor and her cronies are pandering to get votes. [Yes they find a way to vote as well]

  4. Seems to me the bad bill was the one where it made illegals well, illegal....cuz' it is a painfully obvious fact no one is doing enough in the way of enforcing the laws to have made it worth the effort to draw up the paper work.

  5. I don't think this is such a bad thing so long as priority goes to legal in-state students. Remaining slots will be filled by students paying a higher rate.

    What's wrong with that? If we're already not doing anything to round up and deport illegals, then we might as well benefit from them paying higher rates for vacant college seats.

  6. Franco, thanks for telling us something we did'nt know. What's your point?

  7. Somethings not adding up... Are these Mexican citizens in America planning to take HVAC or other skilled labor courses?

    America has finally become a full fledged 3rd world nation ...

  8. I think THIS blog would win for the 'Most Useless Observer Blog'. Franco posts a couple times a month to fuel the flames of American indignation. I hope this isn't his day job.

  9. Who cares? This means nothing. They are displacing North Carolina kids from our university system. More citizens of Mexico at UNC-CH than for most of North Carolina counties.

  10. No one can deny that our country is one of immigrants. But in 1800 our population was 5.3 million. Only 2% of what we have now. We cannot continue to absorb 2 million a year of immigrants. Legal or illegal.

    I get tired of my hospital absorbing millions a year in cost to treat them. Pregnant women arrive here by the droves. Then they get free health care of them and baby. Following that the anchor baby gets housing assistance and welfare. It is a great scam.

    DEPORT them all. Give jobs that they take by the thousands to AMERICANS. Deport the anchor babies.

  11. I don't know what you guys are complaining about. Franco is the only person at the CO who gives any space to the John Tanton-funded front groups NC Listen and CIS.

    I see that Tanton's negative population growth eugenics theories are finding fertile soil at NCL. I guess he knows his fertilizer.

    And, by the way, can we deport your babies, Anonymous 5:57? Or do you hope to create some sort of grandfather clause the way your ancestors exempted themselves from the poll taxes? I am always impressed by "Americans" who want to create laws that only apply to others.

  12. - the same brainchildren that decided to raise sales and income tax (and f&B) during the worst recession seen in generations.

    You don't like it - quit voting for the bleeding heart liberals.

    ps-WAY to reward illegal behavior with an education (more costly or not, they should be rewarded with a one-way ticket home where they can apply for LEGAL citizenship like so many immigrants have done.)

    December 1, 2009 6:58 PM

  13. Franco, turn the other cheek. And then, head back to where you came from.

  14. Did ANY of you EVER contact the NCCCS Board Advisor from YOUR area to vote AGAINST this? Do you EVEN KNOW who is on this board? My bank President is, and he LIED to me about NOT voting for this, when he did...should HE be called out for ridicule? There are unassuming bastards among us who voted for this...find out who they were and give them a piece of your MIND!

  15. I am glad it passed. Now we can have paying students in an educational institution. This will not displace anyone, but it can keep people off the streets.

  16. Yep just like our NC government to put illegal aliens as their TOP priority! Heck they already get health care and other benefits that we AMERICANS don't get...especially of you are a white male! Why not give them more incentive to stay right?
