Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear kids: 'Why I left last week for Haiti'

Charlotte doctor Marc Lewin says his children Max, 8, Kate, 7, and Charlie, 5, don’t quite get why their dad came to Haiti. The family physician wrote them this letter to try and explain.

Dear Max, Kate, and Charlie.

I am writing this letter to you because I want you to understand why I left last week for Haiti and because I want you to know how lucky you are.
There was a big earthquake last month in a small country called Haiti and many, many people died. Even more people where hurt and lost everything they had, including their family and their homes.
Haiti is a very poor country and there aren’t enough hospitals and doctors to help all the injured people. On top of that, some of the hospitals were destroyed in the earthquake. This is why I came here, because we have to much and they have so little.

You also know that I speak French and that is the language that many Haitian people speak. So you see, it is important to learn other languages.

The hospital I am working at is made up of a bunch of a very large tents in a field. I am the doctor for Tent #2, which has thirty-five women, some of the them are pregnant. All of them have serious injuries.

Let me tell you about one. Her name is Virginie. She is twenty-seven years old. Her whole family was killed in the earthquake. She was trapped without food or water for fifteen days until she was rescued. She lost her right arm and has a badly broken right leg, which was fixed with surgery. She is learning to walk again now.

I can see in her face that she hurts with every step, but she never complains. Instead, she tells me “thank you” many times every day for helping her.

This has been my experience with all the Haitian people. They are warm and grateful and never complain.

I feel so terrible for these people who have suffered so much and yet I think they have a lot to teach us about being grateful for what we have. I hope that, somehow in your lives, you will learn this.

I love you and I look forward to seeing you at home soon.



  1. I am struck that people rarely comment on stories of abiding love.

    I am struck by the compassion and love Dr. Lewin shows both in this letter and in the article Franco posted Feb. 24.

    Franco, your stories from Haiti have been inspiring and moving. Thank you for them.

  2. I agree with Peregrino. This is a very nice series for you to share with us, Franco.

  3. As someone who knows Dr. Lewin this story comes as no suprise. He is a great Doctor and a better person. Way to go Doc....

  4. As one of Dr Lewin's patients here I can say that it is no suprise to see him give of his time in Haiti. Way to go Dr Lewin! You are the best.

  5. Your are definitely an angel. God bless. You are raising your children to appreciate life and not material things. They will be proud of their father. Great story!

  6. Your are definitely an angel. God bless. You are raising your children to appreciate life and not material things. They will be proud of their father. Great story!

  7. Very nice & thoughtful...But Doc...Please dont stay away to Long...Many People need you here in your own country also.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. All of my children attend carmel family physicians and Dr. Marc Lewin is my oldest daughters physician. He is truly a humble and meek man who does what he does very gracefully! Praise Adonai for your wonderful generosity to help other people!

  10. Dr. Lewin is also my physician. He is amazing in the fact that he truely cares. I see it everytime I visit him, which seems often. I am glad that others are getting to experience his gifts as well. It is also good to know that at least 3 children on the planet are being raised as givers and not takers. Thanks Dr. L!

  11. I also see Dr. Lewin. He is a great man. He does alot of charitable things. His children are very lucky to have him as a father. We all are lucky to have such a great man living in the Charlotte area. Be safe!!

  12. Michele Treharn HamiltonFebruary 24, 2010 at 4:40 PM

    Dr. Marc is an amazing physician. He always goes the extra mile for his patients in NC. I know he will do the same in Haiti. I am honored to know such a man with such compassion, strength and knowledge. Thank you Lewin family for sharing him with the world.

  13. What a selfless act. Thank you for setting a wonderful example for ALL of our children.

  14. No doubt Franco has found his niche

  15. I'm so glad to know there are people like this in the world. We are lucky to have him here in Charlotte! He is teaching his kids great lessons about what matters in life. Thank you doctor!
