Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Amnesty" by any means necessary?

Some immigration enforcement advocates predict President Barack Obama will attempt to use a little-known program to give illegal immigrants a path to legal residency, if Congress can't get the votes to pass a comprehensive bill.

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, says the president could try to use Temporary Protected Status as a way to give illegal immigrants permanent status disguised as a temporary fix.

Temporary Protected Status is a federal program for foreign nationals currently in the United States whose homelands are considered unsafe to return to because of war or natural disasters.
This status is considered a temporary program that lasts around a year to 18 months. But critics say it's renewed year after year. There are currently six countries under the program: Burundi, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Somalia and Sudan.

“Mark my words," Krikorian wrote in a blog post on the center's webpage. "As it becomes increasingly clear that no amnesty will be forthcoming from Congress this year, expect a rising chorus of demands from both the Left and the rope-selling Right that the president circumvent Congress and use his popularity to "fix" the immigration problem this way.”

Photo by Eli Turner


  1. Now this option that is being presented is concerning. I can see the swine flu and drug wars as being used as justification to allow the door to be opened and then never closed. We will not get true immigration reform for those who want to come here and are here legally with this government in place and the hispanic community pushing the buttons with democrats.

  2. It would be more concerning if Obama had actually mentioned it. Since he has not, let's just stop with the fearmongering.

    I'd be happy with the government using the current laws on the books to prevent/deter illegals from entering the US.

  3. Some immigration enforcement advocates predict President Barack Obama will attempt to use a little-known program to give illegal immigrants a path to legal residency, if Congress can't get the votes to pass a comprehensive bill.


    Unless you use the law for your own convenience, and personal agenda.. That's like giving child molesters a three strike you are out rule.

    illegal is illegal

  4. [IMG][/IMG]

  5. We are waiting on that new taxpayer funded 3000 mile long bridge across the Atlantic to west Africa so America can get hit from all sides since afterall its not fair that Mexican illegals can so easily walk to paradise. America must be all encompassing for the entire 3rd world so we can reduce that hated white population on down to a minority quicker. But dont let that little secret out ...

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. The oppressed will become the oppressor.

  8. OK the games up. We admit it. Caucasoid elite are our savior and yes we owe them everything because had it not been for slavery we would be back in the jungle and Lord knows we dont want that ever again. Slavery was our heavenly miracle and we know the Lord works in mysterious ways and we were not mistreated. We were an integral part of our white owners family in every way and treated with kindness respect and dignity. It was the outside troublemakers who stirred up problems and caused the wars. We worked to earn our keep as we should have. Many were granted their freedom also but choose to stay on and work for wages.

    We have nothing but eternal love for our former adopted white owners who we lived with side by side raising their children with ours just like blood kin and we kept their surnames as a lasting tribute to our gratefulness for all they did for us. Thank you. Dr King forgot that little white and black children had already played together for hundreds of yrs when he made his famous speech.

  9. Good lord....the above post was just....cant even call it racist...just STUPID! No one was talking about slavery...I'm sure it was about letting ALL immigrants here, be it from Africa, Saudi Arabia, WHEREVER! Slavery was 150+ years ago, so most of us brothers and sisters are over it with productive and succesful lives, you need to come visit us in 2009! If not, check out Fannie Flono column where she speaks of the successful black families of today. And while you're at it, watch your can now be considered Hate Speech. By our new Black President and his Congress. Obviously you are still living so far in the past you probably havent noticed that.

  10. I doubt the poster at 7:58 has noticed anything that is happening today. He is living in a world gone by. So sad. YOU HAD BETTER WAKE UP!!!

  11. Good call whoever this is. They are are 100% correct. These other crybaby libs live in a dreamworld.

  12. Sounds like Obama using Bush tactics forcing his agenda and stuffing it down throats like it on not. Thats all America needs is another dictator. Dont people hate it when others break in line in traffic or elsewhere?

  13. Why not focusing on the ones that are here legally?

    Amnesty for illegals while thousands of wifes on H4 or TD visas aren't allowed to work?

    Give me a break.

  14. Yawn. Blogging a story based on the "might, or what if" theories is boring. Please blog about what is actually occurring.

  15. more liberal social engineering. clearly obama is trying to retain power by adding millions more illegal mexican voters. by granting them amnesty they will owe him another term in 2012. they are already mexican citizens so they could vote in both countries.

    the gop and mccain thought mexican americans would vote for him but learned the hard way that was an illusion even though bush let millions in and gave them jobs. dumb bush.

    the gop should have allowed the millions of europeans on the govt waiting list to come here who dont cheat and grant them amnesty to keep power. in the end we know libs screw up too and will lose.

    the more things change the more they stay the same. nothing new under the sun. see-saw.
