Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Busted, fake ID. Felony?

Enforcement advocates are crying foul while immigrant-rights groups are praising a Supreme Court decision to overturn the felony prosecution of an illegal immigrant arrested for using a fake ID.

The high court overturned charges of “aggravated identity theft” against an illegal immigrant in Illinois because he didn’t know he was using another person’s Social Security Number.

Here's a link to the ruling.

Enforcement advocates, such as Americans for Legal Immigration Pac, say the judges have taken away a “tool for prosecuting and deporting workers who are in this country illegally” while advocates want similar prosecutions overturned.

The American Immigration Lawyers Association wants the cases of more than 300 illegal immigrants arrested last year in a raid at an Iowa meat processor reopened. Many were charged with aggravated identity theft, a law adopted in 2004 that carries a mandatory two-year prison term.

About a dozen undocumented immigrants working as supervisors at a Greenville, S.C., poultry plant run by N.C.-based House of Raeford Farms were also arrested on similar charges.

The law was used by the Bush administration to round up hundreds of illegal workers at several worksites that employ illegal immigrants.

Photo: Chuck Kennedy/KRT


  1. Franco,
    What are you trying to do when you write about one sided stories. Why don't you do all of us a favor and leave the observer and go write for some Illegal rights group. I am sick and tired of looking at the observer and seeing all your B/S stories. I know many people would actually applaud seeing you get your ass kicked outa here just like the rest of those illegals you support..

  2. how many times to people have to be reminded what the definition of illegal is?

    what idiot applauds advocating anything illegal, or anything an illegal does?

    Why the hell does an illegal have rights?

    Masingill fodder... all of you.

  3. You know, if you keep taunting the dog on the chain, he will eventually find a way to bite you. Same with these stories. You keep on prodding people with these pro-illegal articles and sooner or later, the illegals will have to leave this country one of 2 ways - standing up or laying down.

  4. Wow, strong comments for someone who won't even put their name on their post. (The only reason I won't is I'm willing to bet you'd rather hunt me down than go to your job. And of course, it looks like your only hobby is hating stuff). just because the people at your weekly klan meeting don't like these stories doesn't mean they aren't pertinent.
    Go back to reading "Mud Flaps Monthly", you ignorant, societal plague.

  5. Slim, Charlotte NCMay 6, 2009 at 6:32 PM

    How could the guy not know he was using some else's SS#? I mean if he wasn't born here then he wouldn't have one, so if he used one it had to belong to someone else... I don't understand the courts logic. Their finding, I think, was based on the illegal immigrant not having intent to steal an identity. If he wasn't trying to steal the identity of a legal citizen then what was the point of having the id? This just doesn't make sense to me. Can an attorney explain this to me?

  6. If an illegal alien is sentenced to two years for a fake id why not do the same for an American citizen who uses one to buy alcohol when underage. Better yet deport the illegal and make the under 21 year old work the job for minimum wage for two years that the illegal works.

  7. Hello my name Todd Davis and my social security number is 457-55-5462

    Sound familiar it should as millions of us pay to keep our social security number out of the hands of miscreants.

    Why is it we Americans have to pay untold millions to protect our identity from those who now apparently, according to this new ruling DO NOT KNOW THEY ARE USING MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.

    Hey welcome to America if you were born here then you need to pay and pay and pay and pay. But keep in mind those coming here illegally get free lawyers to take their cases to court.

    Even if they did not get these legal services free they could just use a credit cart with someones social security who is not paying to protect themselves. Even if they lost all the would have to do is to change to a new social security number. Then we all would still pay with higher rates and the like.

    Is this a joke or did they really rule this way?????

  8. This is pretty sad... What is the Supreme Court thinking? But even if the current process is too harsh then there should be some punishment. I would prefer to not have to pay to keep an illegal alien in our jails anyway - they should just be deported.

  9. Is this a joke or did they really rule this way?????

    amen brother,

    the agenda of the left is like a cancer disguised as cotton candy among the masses.....

  10. Leftist agenda?!!? Has Obama even had a chance to cancel out some of the Republican justices W installed? sorry blue-bloods, this one falls on your shoulders. stop being such ignorant hate mongers and crying that you lost the election. WE DONT CARE! Welcome to the last 8 years of our lives! it doesn't always come down to left vs right. sometimes, even the idiots you vote for don't make decisions you're happy with.

    You people make me sad to be an American when i read your garbage.

    I heard Canada is always looking for new recruits. I'll give you a ride myself.

  11. cotton candy. good one, anonymous. let me guess, you got that from a t-shirt in Alabammy. Idiot.

  12. My wife is an immigrant. She's also been a naturalized citizen for almost 25 years. Just once, could you please expand on just EXACTLY which "rights" immigrants are lacking.

    Other than the right to vote I can assure you that from the moment my wife cleared Customs and Immigration at San Francisco International Airport back in 1978 she's enjoyed EVERY right that EVERY American citizen enjoys.

    So, let's cut to the chase. "Immigrants rights" is nothing more than a code name for amnesty.

    Here's a tidbit you might be interested in. My wife's siblings have a 23 years wait for their immigrant visas. 23 years in line while the border-jumpers demand their "rights."

  13. Just another notch in the list that will fuel revolt in this country.Our fore fathers warned us of this,it is now coming full circle, a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.

  14. So, from the way I read this, if I make up a credit card number and use it, I can't be charged with identity theft because I didn't actually know I was using someone else's credit card number? Come on! This is ridiculous.

  15. Screw the illegals and their supporters! I hope everyone of you people that support illegals lose everything you have, just like me!

  16. Luckily we all live in a country that we can choose, CHOOSE, to show up on election day, and vote. If you don't like the laws or the lawmakers then VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE! I retired from the military after cleaning up other countries and come home to this. Teach your children how important it is to VOTE in the people you agree with, or VOTE out the people you disagree with. Two words people, Fair Tax. Two more, mandatory service, for all Americans, two years, illegal or not.

  17. and you sitting in that picture with your sh## eating grin

  18. how can you not know that it isnt your SS number if it is not yours?

  19. Gosh, I just came into this country under the cloak of darkness, rode in a truck for 12 hours with 30 others who snuck in with me. I wonder how I will get a job to make money to send to my family. Oh, look, here is a little piece of paper on the ground with 9numbers on it. I wonder if this will help me get a job. Hey, it has someone else's name on it, but I think I will give it to The Man anyway to see if he will hire me. It worked! So even though he calls me "Bill" and my name is actually Fernando, I guess it's okay. You mean this isn't legal? No way! I thought I could use any name and number I wanted to that would get me a job.

  20. Illegal- no rights
    Legal- full rights

    Individuals choose which way they want to be here.

    I choose Legal.

  21. L.I.G - Let it go we need to let the illegals go...deport them yesterday...RĂ¡pido y dejar...

  22. Illegal immigrants are stealing people's identities, ruining their credit, taking the identities of children, too. The ones not using a stolen SS number are not paying taxes. They take jobs and hold down wages in every industry they work. They have become an additional burden to social services, hospitals and our schools. When my parents came to this country from Greece, they did it *LEGALLY*. They had no Greek words plastered on everything and there aren't any special Greek classes in public schools. They had to learn English and they did. I am so tired of this country bending over backwards to make it easy for *illegal* immigrants to invade our country. Enough already. Enforce our laws!

    This US accepts more legal immigrants, every single year, than anyother country- 800,000 to 1,000,000.
    We don't want legal immigration to stop. But, the overwhleming flood on *illegal* immigrants must stop.
    We cannnot afford it, we can barely take care of our own citizens. People need to wake up, stop this insanity.



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  28. Illegal immigrants are stealing people's identities, ruining their credit, taking the identities of children, too. The ones not using a stolen SS number are not paying taxes. They take jobs and hold down wages in every industry they work. They have become an additional burden to social services, hospitals and our schools. When my parents came to this country from Greece, they did it *LEGALLY*. They had no Greek words plastered on everything and there aren't any special Greek classes in public schools. They had to learn English and they did. I am so tired of this country bending over backwards to make it easy for *illegal* immigrants to invade our country. Enough already. Enforce our laws!

    Every country has immigration laws; a lot of countries have much stricter laws and hasher consequences than we come close to. Our immigration laws are quite liberal in comparison to Mexico, Central and South American countries. Especially, our path to citizenship and what foreigners can own are much looser than many countries. I get so tired of the hypocritical blather that leaders of other countries spew against the US about our debate on *illegal* immigrants. It's ironic the massive amount of insults and criticisms hurled at the US, and yet so many are beating down our doors and dying to come here... year after year after year.

    The US accepts more legal immigrants, every single year, than any other country- 800,000 to 1,000,000. We don't want legal immigration to stop. But, the overwhelming flood of *illegal* immigrants must stop. We cannot afford it; we can barely take care of our own citizens. People need to wake up, stop this insanity. Without *enforcing* our *laws* the situation has gotten out of control. Resentment and anger are resulting from this lack of enforcement and seemingly the government just ignoring the situation. The government's unwillingness to do its job is really responsible for the increasing backlash against illegal immigrants, which is spilling over to all immigrants in general. People want something done, they want the laws enforced. Or, they start getting angry, some even taking the law into their own hands. Because the government, local, state and federal have let things get this point, it is harder to fix. It's like many things the government does, ignore it until it becomes a looming disaster. Enforce our laws and enforce them now.

    People's lives, US citizens' lives are being ruined and turned upside down because of this mess. Because- our government doesn’t want to upset those that are breaking the law or condone such activity. Think about that for a minute. It's a ludicrous situation and simply is *not* right. Powerful business interests love the cheap labor and Democrats love the idea of future voters, since the majority of Hispanics typically vote for a Democrat.

    Enough is enough.

    The articles below are just the tip of the iceberg. It's past time to do the right thing, and the right thing is to enforce the laws of this country. Enforce our laws!



