The Roman Catholic college said in a statement Monday that the student group that planned to host Tancredo, a conservative Republican who ran for president rather than seek a sixth term in Congress, was not officially sanctioned, according to the Associated Press. The statement added that Tancredo's stance on illegal immigration "directly contrasts" with that of Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, a member of the college's Board of Trustees.
Terry Gorman, founder of Rhode Islanders for Immigration Law Enforcement, said the college is being hypocritical because it has hosted politicians with pro-choice views.
UNC officials later apologized to Tancredo.
Tancredo was invited to speak at UNC Chapel Hill by the Youth for Western Civilization, which opposes multiculturalism and mass immigration. This video, taken by the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, of the UNC protest was posted on its website.
Nothing like higher education to protect freedom of speech.
"The Roman Catholic college said in a statement Monday that the student group was not officially sanctioned, according to the Associated Press. The statement added that Tancredo's stance on illegal immigration "directly contrasts" with that of Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, a member of the college's Board of Trustees."
So, the college's position is:
1. "We believe in free speech as long as it comes from a sanctioned group."
2. "We only sanction groups that agree with us."
We have no one to blame but ourselves, because censorship by S-P's has been going on for quite a while now, and we have not fought back hard enough. Free speech for all, as long as we agree with what you say. On behalf of honest Americans I apologize to you MLK. Everything you fought (and ultimately died) for will be lost, and NO ONE will be able to blame anyone but S-P's, the worst plague to hit this country since AIDS.
And people wonder why we are falling behind in academics. This is what university is now, a place where you are not taught skills to provide a future for yourself and better your community and country but rather a place to voice your inner liberalism. We use to export engineers across the globe, now our education system doesn't produce enough to satisfy the needs of American companies and they have to go to India, China to hire them. Computer Science degrees again, falling by the wayside which is making America a number 5 in IT\Technology fields. Yet, universities are pumping out students with no job skills for the real world and a gazillion liberal arts majors.
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