CNN and radio host Lou Dobbs touched off a firestorm last week when he wondered aloud on his radio show whether President Obama is a naturally born citizen and might be "undocumented."
"I'm starting to think we have a document issue. You suppose he's un... no, I won't even use the word undocumented, it wouldn't be right."Here is short excerpt of the radio show.
Here is a longer excerpt of the radio show.
The photo below provided by the Honolulu Advertiser shows President Barack Obama's birth announcement, left column, center, in the Sunday Aug. 13, 1961 edition of the paper.
Photo: President Barack Obama (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais), (AP Photo/The Honolulu Advertiser)
Considering who its backers are, is not a reliable source. So maybe we should stop using them as a source of information.
At this point, unless someone produces a photograph of Obama being born in a Kenyan hospital, I think we're going to have to accept that he was born in Hawaii. It's just too bad that he was not more forthcoming during the election cycle -- McCain volunteered immediately that he was born outside of the US, but to American parents in an American territory (the Panama Canal Zone), and was therefore a natural-born citizen, but Obama dodged the issue and therefore raised the possibility that he was not born here. Those of you who say "it does not matter" are wrong; it DOES matter.
Might explain why he's for amnesty...
Get a life people. His Hawaian birth certificate has been examined by dozens of groups and people. Can you honestly believe that if there was any legitimate doubt the GOP wouldn't have run it down by now? Lou Dobbs must be really losing it. This up there with the "fake moon landing" conspirancy.
2 birth announcements in a Hawaii paper
1 valid birth certificate
Thousands of ignorant "birthers" . . . priceless
Obama did NOT dodge the issue during the campaign. His campaign took the rather unprecedented step of posting a copy of his Certification of Live Birth from Hawaii online to prove (to any rational person) that he was -- in fact -- born in Hawaii. John McCain, on the contrary, never posted or displayed a copy of his birth certificate. Of course, no one with any sense would question John McCain's citizenship. The same should be true of President Obama.
The Washington Independent's Dave Weigel has reported extensively on this issue and has destroyed pretty much every argument out there.
"barkomomma said...
Might explain why he's for amnesty..".
So what was George Bush's excuse. Everyone keeps yelling for getting rid of illegals. If we sent all illegals out of this country we would be crippled for quite a while. They do the jobs most feel they are "too good" to do. How many of you folks claiming they are taking american jobs want to pick vegtables or be house keepers etc. Not to mention all the landscaping etc. Yeah, I am sure all of you are ready to run out and do those jobs. If you want to stop illegal immigration, PUNISH THE BUSINESSES THAT HIRE THEM. IF THERE ARE NO JOBS FOR THEM, THERE IS NO REASON FOR THEM TO COME HERE. Companies trying to get cheap labor is what is fueling illegal immigration.
NO long form official birth certificate has ever been produced. Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of health for the state of Hawaii claimed last October she personally saw and could verify that Hawaii had Obama's original long-form birth certificate on file. CNN reported yesterday that all records were discarded in 2001 when the records systems went electronic. So did the director of health see the original long form birth certificate or not? Who's lying, and why?
actually the problem is it isnt dozens of groups
it is at best a dozen people. the fact that all candidates aren't required to submit proof of eligibility at time of registering. its would have stopped this from becoming an issue and many jobs government jobs actually require this proof to apply. then once you get the job when filling out W2 you need the SS card not just number, passport, drivers licensee etc. all these things that a normal american would have and has no problem offering up when they get a job as a 16 year old in high school.
"Considering who its backers are, is not a reliable source. So maybe we should stop using them as a source of information."
Who do you think its backers are?
"The Annenberg Political Fact Check is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.
The APPC accepts NO funding from business corporations, labor unions, political parties, lobbying organizations or individuals. It is funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation."
How did Obama dog the issue? He made his birth certificate available in June 2008, months before the election.
If you jack@sses thing for one moment that Obama citizenship was not vetted six ways the Sunday, upside down, bottom up, and every which way by the most highly regarded citizenship lawyers and Constitutional scholars known to human existence, you should all be waterboarded 183 times.
To Anon 2:17...Who do you think the backers of are? Just curious as you sound like another right-wing conspiracy theorist. is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of PA. The APPC was founded by philanthropists Walter and Leonore Annenberg, who both held State Department positions under Nixon and Reagan, respectively. They were good friends and supporters of the Reagans.
If they have the original in Chicago, why not produce pictures of the original. What's the big deal? He is 4 years older than I am and that cert doesn't look anything like what they produced back then based on mine. AS for the comment about amnesty, this might explain why is Aunt is still here illegally for the past couple of years. Guess she's waiting for the free health care.
The Hawaiian birth certificate is an issue to some because it's not what we usually think of as a birth certificate. It wasn't presented to his parents at the time of his birth; it's something that was produced years later based on the data from the birth record. It's legally the same, but it's not what we'd typically expect.
That being said, the fact that two local papers documented his birth in their birth announcements is pretty convincing evidence in favor of the Hawaiian birth. Well, that and the fact that the increasingly nutty Dobbs is supporting it.
Much as it pains me to agree with Obama, there's nothing to see here.
Hey Liberals... Why did Obama spend nearly 1 million in legal fees to cover this up? Please explain. I have to hear this...
"So did the director of health see the original long form birth certificate or not? Who's lying, and why?"
Nobody is lying. But thanks for showing your ignorance. Just curious did you read this article on you computer screen? Does this article exist? How do you know if you've seen it on your screen but not an actual physical copy of the article on paper in your hands?
So they have an electronic record of his long form certificate (which state officials have seen on their computer screen) but no physical paper copy of it, because those were destroyed in 2001.
next we'll explain how somebody can walk on water: its frozen.
The knuckle-dragging birthers continue to demonstrate why the GOP is in such sorry shape. You fail in life. Good luck at your next teabaggers party.
I HOPE he was born in Kenya! Maybe that will stop some of the ethnocentrism on here.
When will the old white guys give it up and stop trying to get rid of Obama after they failed to get their way in the election.
Check this out and see what you think:
Butch Davis is gonna smoke all you haters out there this year! Go Heels!!!!!!!
I bet there are a lot of legal citizens that would like to have a job landscaping at this point.
Get rid of the illegals and the healthcare situation would not be nearly as bad and probably would not need any fixing.
Same goes for just about everything.
I didn't vote for Obama, but this "controversy" is tin foil hat-level lunacy.
The only people who believe Obama isn't a natural-born U.S. citizen are those who believe that little green men from outer space are running the world's governments. These crazies need to return to their underground bunkers, so that the rest of us can focus on the real problems facing our country, like unemployment, high taxes, national security, etc.
"So they have an electronic record of his long form certificate (which state officials have seen on their computer screen) but no physical paper copy of it, because those were destroyed in 2001."
There is a short form produced after the conversion, which has been inspected and posted all over the internet. It's not the original long form, which is supposedly locked up in Hawaii's official records. Or been destroyed. But for some reason, people are saying two things about the original document.
And you would get farther explaining your view if you weren't so dismissive and rude.
Just explain why he's spent over a Million Dollars in Legal bills to keep the Real Birth Certificate Sealed.
Thats all that has to be done, is for him to show to the Public the Actual Birth Certificate that for some reason he is refusing to release and spending Millions to keep the Public from viewing.
It doesn't help that in Keyna they routinely report in news reports that Obama was born in Keyna
The only nagging question I have has nothing to do with documents. It was the statement by his grandmother that she was present at his birth in Kenya, I believe.
This is ridiculous.
Not to mention that several of his aunts and even his kenyan brother have stated repeatedly that they witnesses his birth, in Kenya.
Nothing will change, though. A decade ago Boston University discovered that Martin Luther King Jr. copied his entire doctoral thesis from a student names James Boozer who graduated from the same department 4 years earlier.
Boston Univeristy decided not to revoke the doctorate, because they were afraid that blacks all over the country would burn the university to the ground if they did.
atlasnavigator said... "The APPC was founded by philanthropists Walter and Leonore Annenberg, who both held State Department positions under Nixon and Reagan, respectively. They were good friends and supporters of the Reagans."
Well, they also funded The Annenberg Challenge, a $100 million 5-year fiasco that Obama ran in Chicago together with Bill Ayers.
To all the birthers: head to the Walmart quickly and grab some tin foil! Idiots!
Forget about his birth certificate, why is he hiding all of his school records?
Wow, Bill Ayers, again? That same committee had conservative Republicans on it as well.
But I'm here to break it to everyone -- Obama is an ALIEN! He is from outer space! That must explain why people are still talking about his birth certificate! Gosh, how stupid was the GOP to NOT use this on the campaign trail? Why isn't DeMint talking about Obama's fake citizenship?
Amongst all of today's problems with the economy and our national security, I am just DYING to know why people don't realize he's an alien from outer space!
This string of posts is refreshing and surprising, given that the usual forums in the Observer would give any reader the impression that the Charlotte area's full of brooding, bitter, Right-wing dittoheads.
I think this "birthing" topic is ridiculous after it's been proven to have no merit whatsoever. It only proves how derailed the Conservative movement has become by nut-jobs, grasping at straws in a pathetic display of their defeat several months ago. Keep it up, Republicans, because thank goodness our leaders are elected by majority vote (well, most of the time, anyway), and come 2012, at the rate it's going, you'll have one very vocal block of these kinds of extremist conservatives, and a whole lot more sensible-thinking centrist Americans who've been turned off by the Republican platform.
Will Obama ever tell the truth about this?
Do you think he will build the presidential library in his Kenyan birthplace?
The fact that his birth record is an issue is ridiculous. The President should not have his birth country questioned. He is not a true American. He was not raised here, and possibly was not born here. Very interesting how much time and money was spent to cover and produce a certificate.
He tells other countries how bad we are and says Americans do not consider themselves a Christian Nation. He is not with us or for us. His healthcare disaster proves it further. It's almost like he wants us to fail.
You go Lou! Next Obama's Muslim faith.....
Wow. All the inbreeding must finally be catching up with some of you. His family back in 1961just knew a half white and half black man was going to be president so they made sure to name him Barrack Hussein and flew to Hawaii to have a birth certificate made and the birth announcement put in the newspapers. Give me a break.
The WRONG reasons for becoming a mother:
* To save marriage ("This will create a bond between me and my spouse!")
* For financial security (Child support, social welfare programs, etc)
* To have an identity ("I'm Kaylee's mom! I'm doing the most important job in the world!")
* To make up for lack of personal accomplishments ("My kid will cure cancer and that'll make up for throwing my own life away!!")
* To vicariously relive childhood ("I'm going to give my child everything I never had!")
* To prove adulthood ("I am mature and responsible because I have a child!")
* As an insurance policy ("I'll have someone to take care of me when I'm old!")
* To avoid getting a job ("I'm a full-time mom! I can't work!")
* To avoid loneliness ("I'll never be alone now that I have a baby. My baby will love me!")
* To feel needed ("I will have someone who needs me, and I can be in charge of someone!")
* Cult of Mommy ("Now I'll fit in with all my peers!")
* To feel alive: ("Feeling a baby move inside of me will make me feel alive and creative!")
* Out of guilt ("My religion wants me to 'atone" for the sin of enjoying sex, so I must have a child to make up for it.")
* To satisfy religious requirements ("My religion demands I don't use birth control or that I give my husband a son!")
* Prove non-virgin status ("See, someone had sex with me!")
* As a science experiment ("A little bit of me plus a little bit of my man - let's see what comes out.")
The next issue is that Obama apparently traveled as a child to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport.
Indonesia does not issue passports to anyone that is not an Indonesian citizen, and at that time, they did not recognize dual citizenship, and required citizens of other countries to renounce their previous citizenship in order to become Indonesian citizens.
So, the question is - did Obama renounce his US Citizenship?
"Well, they also funded The Annenberg Challenge, a $100 million 5-year fiasco that Obama ran in Chicago together with Bill Ayers."
Obama and Ayers were but two of many players in the Annenberg Challenge, which was rolled out in nine of the largest urban areas and in other cities. This was a philanthropic effort with bipartisan support. The range of contact between Obama and Ayers is tenuous at best.
oh good LORD this is so stupid.
psst - did ya hear that Obama has fathered two black children?!?! OMG
I find it amazing how someone can say a child born to an American woman is not an American child. If his mother were an astronaut and birthed him on Mars guess what, he wouldnt be Martian he'd be an american child born on another planet. Saying otherwise is a disservice to him and to the dependents of service men and women who live in other countries but are forced to give birth on foreign soil. If a parent is american, you by by default are as well. If you dont like obama for ideology thats one thing but to make up reasons to defame him are ignorant and unfortunate
Charlotte area's full of brooding, bitter, Right-wing dittoheads.
Actually, I got the opposite impression.
I can't blame you for blogging about this ridiculous "story" b/c it guarantees hits, but as a journalist, you should be embarrassed that the Headline is in the form of a question. Birthers are the biggest nutjob group this country's seen in ages, and anything that gives these loons credibility is nothing but a tip of the cap in their directions. Idiots, bigots, and racists, the whole lot of them.
"If we sent all illegals out of this country we would be crippled for quite a while. They do the jobs most feel they are "too good" to do. How many of you folks claiming they are taking american jobs want to pick vegtables or be house keepers etc. Not to mention all the landscaping etc. Yeah, I am sure all of you are ready to run out and do those jobs. "
I'm sick and tired of this cop out. "They only do the jobs no American will do". Thats 100% bull$#!*. Charlotte unemployment is 12.5%. Its higher than 20% in some cities in South Carolina. Your stupid strawman doesn't work any more. People need jobs. You are an idiot.
Every president from George Washington until Martin Van Buren was born in English territory. All born before the US was an independent nation. So deal with that you feeble minded cretins who doubt the truth of the truth.
Once again, race is being injected in to every discussion. I thought President Obama was supposed to be the great uniter and race was never supposed to be an issue again.
The only reason the BC continues to be an issue is because our President has gone to great lengths to prevent his other records from being released. There is a question of having dual citizenship (Indonesia and US) which would prevent him from being able to hold the office of President. Did he claim to be an Indonesian citizen in order to get special funding to pay for college? These are legitimate questions - ones that should be asked by all people regardless of party.
As American citizens, we have the right to know who exactly is running the country. After two years of campaigning, there are still several questions about who President Obama really is.
baileynupe5 said...
I find it amazing how someone can say a child born to an American woman is not an American child.
Gosh, you know really little about the issue and constitutional requirements to become a president.
If the GOP had been around when George Washington, who they have challenged him on being a natural born citizen? He was after all born in a British colony. For that matter, it wasn't until Martin Van Burean was elected president that we had a president born in the states. There must have been a grandfather clause for our first presidents?
Too bad they don't teach American history any more in schools. The founders did not want foreigners taking over the government.
Quote from YOUR constitution:
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
The why has he not just show a copy of the original? Why the 2007 re-printed copy???
Why does it matter ?
The obama child has grown, the dream is gone
THEY all now have become, comfortable numb…
Well first of all… any columnist referencing Lou Dobbs needs a night
out in the barrio with a flock west coast transvestites looking to convert, with the enthusiasm of the royal order of flamboyant lubricant salesmen. Shame on you.
Secondly the man has already proved himself a liar…. No earmarks, Make it “Impossible” for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects, Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials, post bills on line for the PEOPLE to read, and the biggest one “Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN”…..
The scary fact is if obama suddenly were not president, who is next in line Biden? Pelosi?....
So I agree with 2:17 it does matter tremendously, and it is in the most non conspiracy theorist way extraordinarily interesting he has never just produced one, and held up for all to see like I had to do a few weeks back when getting a replacement passport.
Would not be shocking in the slightest if he was Kenyan born, and it wouldn’t be shocking if his sheepple found a way to fawn, swoon and sway over him for that too.
By the way that would make him a ILLEGAL wouldn't? it
what does this have to do with ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION anyway?
to crystalsbass
I served in Vietnam and was awarded the bronze star. What's you record of service to YOUR country?
Barack Obama served on the board of the Annenberg Foundation.
In Response to What Are The Possible Reasons Obama Would NOT Provide An Authentic 1961 Hawaii Birth Certificate?
Here's my issue in this, Ignoring his birthplace and long form yada yada. The law reads " you must be Natural Born and only a citizen of the USA " just to qualify for the office of president. To be "Natural Born" Both parents must be American citizens and can not be a citizen of any other country. (ie: a non-citizen couple comes to America and has a child here. Yes, that child is a citizen. However, it is not natural born.) In his 1st book it is claimed that the father, Mr Soetoro, in question is a citizen of Kenya and thus a citizen of the UK. British law reads that any and all children born anywhere to UK citizens are themselves UK citizens by default. This appears to disqualify our President from the office on 2 counts. Both himself and his father are citizens of the UK.
In the year 1866, the United States for the first time adopted a local municipal law under Sec. 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes that read: “All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.” Furthermore, Rep. Bingham commenting on Section 1992 said it means “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866)) and lastly, Acquisition of Citizenship of the UK & Colonies
Under the 1948 Act, CUKC status was acquired by:
* birth in the UK or a colony (exceptions for children of 'enemy aliens' and diplomats). The immigration status of the parents was irrelevant.
* naturalisation or registration in the UK or a colony or protectorate
* legitimate descent from a CUKC father for children born elsewhere. Only the first generation acquired British nationality AUTOMATTICLY. Second and subsequent generations could do so only if born outside the Commonwealth (or Ireland) and registered within 12 months of birth or if the father was in Crown Service.
* incorporation of territory (no persons ever acquired CUKC this way from 1949)
* declaration
* marriage
Therefore, we can say with confidence that a natural-born citizen of the United States means those persons born whose father the United States already has an established jurisdiction over, i.e., born to father’s who are themselves citizens of the United States. A person who had been born under a double allegiance cannot be said to be a natural-born citizen of the United States because such status is not recognized (only in fiction of law). A child born to an American mother and alien father could be said to be a citizen of the United States by some affirmative act of law but never entitled to be a natural-born citizen because through laws of nature the child inherits the condition of their father.
This is beyond silly. I lost my long form birth cert years ago. Now have one from KY that looks almost identical to the one President Obama has. Used it to get married and for my passport. He doesn't need ANY further proof--period. You don't need an old handwritten birth cert for anything in this country. The one issued from and validated by the state is valid for all proof of citizenship.
I'm white and I believe the people who are supporting this nonsense are just racists who can't stand that the majority of Americans believe in and support a person of color.
"It's not the original long form, which is supposedly locked up in Hawaii's official records. Or been destroyed. But for some reason, people are saying two things about the original document."
No they are not saying two things. One person saw an ELECTRONIC copy of the original document which was destroyed in 2001. Why is that hard to understand?
Hawaii like many, many institutions converted their paper documents into electronic copies which are stored on computers and then destroyed the original paper documents.
When somebody requests a copy of his birth certificate, Hawaii sends the "Certificate of Live Birth" which officially and legally states the place of birth.
This whole deal is just ridiculous. Anyone born of American parents is a "natural born citizen." For example, the kids of U.S. servicemen born overseas are American citizens by birth. Anyone who believes this nonsense about Obama is squarely on the lunatic fringe.
"Barack Obama served on the board of the Annenberg Foundation."
NO HE DID NOT! The only people who have ever served on the board of the Annenberg Foundation are members of the Annenberg family.
Fact: Obama under the name of Barry Soetoro, was given education funds under a program to help foreign born students. He has hired lawyers to keep his education records during this time sealed. Those records could explain why he received financial assistance intended for foreign born students.
Fact: The Certificate of Live Birth from Hawaii is not the same document as a Birth Certificate nor does it have all of the same information such as Hospital, name of doctor etc. It cannot be used as proof of citizenship in obtaining a US passport... See below link.
Fact: Such "Certificates of Live Birth" are often given to the parents of foreign born infants.
Fact: Obama has refused to present his long form Birth Certificate and has hired a staff of lawyers to prevent the showing of the long form birth certificate that would prove his place of birth. Why???
Fact: His Grandmother on his father's side publicly stated that she was present at his birth in Mombasa, Kenya.
Fact: Kenya Government officials actively promote that Obama is from Kenya. See link:
Fact: The short form "Certificate of Live Birth" from Hawaii is not a BIRTH CERTIFICATE and CANNOT be used as identification needed to obtain a US Passport.
From the US Government's webpage on requirements for a passport:
Primary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (One of the following):
-Previously issued, undamaged U.S. Passport
-Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state*
-Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
-Naturalization Certificate
-Certificate of Citizenship
*A certified birth certificate has a registrar's raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar's office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note, some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes.
See at:
To Anonynous 2:44
The reason it does not look like your Chicago birth certificate is because your president was born in Hawaii. It's disturbing that you do not know this....
Fact - if you know anyone from Hawaii you will know that the certificates are embossed on the back. As his is.
Fact - the two local papers printed his birth announcement the day after he was born.
Fact - it would be impossible to fake that announcement
Fact - the doctor who delivered him ADMITS he delivered him.
Fact - We really did land on the moon.
Fact - the towers were really blown up by terrorist.
Fact - if this is really bothering you, you need to get a life.
I'm not a fan of Obama but, no doubts his mother is an American citizen and that means he was born american no matter who his father was or where he was born
Anon @ 3:30 wrote:
"I think this "birthing" topic is ridiculous after it's been proven to have no merit whatsoever. It only proves how derailed the Conservative movement has become by nut-jobs"
Er... you realize the rumor was started and has gotten most of its boost from Hillary dead-ender blogs, right?
No? Well now you do.
You also realize Dobbs is neither conservative nor a Republican, right?
No? Well now you do.
If there's a conspiracy theory afoot, 4 out of 5 times it's being pushed by a leftist.
Obama and his left wing cronies must love that people are focusing on this birther junk instead of his policies.... let's put our time and energy into the real problems - his policies!!!
How can anyone be happy with Obama at this point. Has anyone made a list of his broken campaign promises? The left cannot be happy with him now after all his broken promises to them. The middle has to now understand how he fooled them during the campaign. And of course the right disliked him from the start since he was the most liberal voting senator out there.
When something this stupid goes around, why are there ALWAYS religious people behind it?
This is so not newsworthy. Even Lou Dobbs said tonight that he believes he is a citizen. I think we have bigger issues right now.
Seems Obama could easily put this to rest if he would ALLOW the name of the doctor who delivered him be release. Seems he's hiding something.
Also, it's strange how there have been no hospital nurses,staff, or any doctors have come forward to vouch for his birth. I mean, how many bi-racial children were being born in Hawaii, in 1961?
Here’s Obama’s dilemma in a nutshell (READ VERY CAREFULLY AND DIGEST):
If BHO shows his original long form birth certificate, indeed showing he was born in Hawaii, it will also show his father was American citizen, Frank Marshall Davis, not the Kenyan/British citizen, Barack Obama Sr. While that would allow Barack Jr. to be POTUS eligible as BOTH a “citizen”/“native born citizen” AND an Article 2 “natural born citizen” — that is, born to two American citizens on American soil — it would simultaneously show he is a fraud hiding his real father — an unacceptable political debacle.
If, on the other hand, BHO keeps hiding his original long form birth certificate — while simply repeating, without showing, he was born in Hawaii — he can still CLAIM BOTH he was born in Hawaii AND his father was the Kenyan/British Barack Obama Sr. This would enable Barack Jr. to claim he’s a “citizen”/“native born citizen” but it would mean (if a federal court would ever get around to declaring and thus far no one has standing to bring the suit) that he’s NOT an Article 2 “natural born citizen” and thus not eligible to be POTUS — a legal/constitutional debacle since all acts under an illegal POTUS are void.
So it seems, BHO has elected option one until forced to go option two because for now it looks like no federal court will ever find a plaintiff with standing. (Of course, there’s the additional issue of BHO losing American citizen status if/when he became an Indonesian citizen — that is, IF he returned and was naturalized he would be a legal citizen, but would lose both native and natural born status, and, IF he returned and was not naturalized, he would be an illegal immigrant unlawfully in this country — but we’ll leave that for another day.)
There is not much credence in the Hawaii birth certificate. Obama's sister, who was born in Indonisia, has one of those.
"Anonymous said...
Also, it's strange how there have been no hospital nurses,staff, or any doctors have come forward to vouch for his birth. I mean, how many bi-racial children were being born in Hawaii, in 1961."
Anon - are you serious? Apparantly you've never been to Hawaii. Hawaii is the most recially diverse state in the nation. There were many, many bi-racial births in 1961.
From Honolulu Advertiser -
This is a diversion - there are so many other things we should be discussing.
Does anyone care to defend President Obama regarding the issues of dual citizenship and fighting so hard to hide all records that could show the American people who they voted for?
The real problem is not this moronic 'birther' issue. It's that the Observer felt it necessary to cover it.
What's next for This Land? The Zionist Conspiracy?
If the rednecks keep ranting, than eventually if will become true. Typical thinking of the right wing inbreds. Get over it guys, we have a black liberal president, and most of us like it that way!
obama be the man foe the job. There bes manny bitter white mens out there.
There's so much overwhelming proof the Obama is an American citizen (digital record of certificate, newspaper announcement, verification by at least a dozen reputable sources) that I can't believe anyone could devote themselves to this weird obsession.
We've covered it on our blog, too:
Re: "CNN reported yesterday that all records were discarded in 2001 when the records systems went electronic."
CNN got it wrong. The original documents were retained and not discarded.
Obama was not born in Kenya, and no relative--including his Kenyan grandmother--ever said that he was born in Kenya. In fact, she said that he was born in Hawaii.
You can hear her say "America, Hawaii" in response to the question: "Whereabouts was he born?'
Listen to the complete tape.Listen to the complete tape, until after the question "Wherabouts was he born?"
If it is too difficult to follow the tape, here is the complete transcript of that call.
And, not only was the story that the grandmother said that Obama was born in Kenya made up, so was the allegation that other relatives said it (nothing has been published) and the allegation that there are birth files in Kenya that have been sealed by the Kenyan government (no confirmation from any agency other that WND that there are any files or that any files are sealed).
Then, if he were born in Kenya, there would have to be a US document proving that he was IN Kenya at the time. That's because he would have had to get from Kenya to the USA. To do that, he would have needed either a British passport and a US visa on that passport. Or his mother's passport would have had to be changed to include him.
One or the other would have had to have been done while Obama was in Kenya, or he could not get from Kenya to Hawaii.
Either of those documents would be in the files of the US State Department, if they existed. The Republicans were in charge of the State Department for years before the election and for three months after the election. No such document has been found.
So, Grandmother Sarah did not say that he was born in Kenya. She said that he was born in Hawaii. There are no documents, Kenyan or US, that show he was born in Kenya.
There is an original birth certificate in Obama's Hawaii birth file in 1961, when foreign birth certificates could not be filed. There is the statement from the two officials and the statement by the PR representative of the department that this meant that Obama was born in Hawaii.
And there is this:
Re: "Why did Obama spend nearly 1 million in legal fees to cover this up?"
He didn't. All the lawsuits against him were to stop the election, stop the certification of the election, or to nullify the election. Not a single lawsuit was with the sole purpose of having records disclosed, and none that I can find actually asked a court to direct that Obama show the court his birth certificate.
Why not? Because it is better for the myth to claim that Obama is fighting disclosing documents than to actually ask for the documents.
If a court were asked for Obama's birth certificate, Obama would provide the official birth certificate of Hawaii, which is the Certification of Live Birth. That is legally sufficient to prove birth in Hawaii unless there is evidence to the contrary--and there is no evidence to the contrary (his grandmother did not say that he was born in Kenya. She said that he was born in Hawaii).
Re: "To be "Natural Born" Both parents must be American citizens.."
Who said? Natural Born Citizen refers to the laws in the Colonies at the time of the Revolution in which a "Natural Born Subject" was simply someone who was born in a colony regardless of the number of parents who were subjects or citizens.
And that is why such prominent conservative Senators who are also lawyers as Orren Hatch and Lindsay Graham say that a Natural Born Citizen is simply one who was born in the USA:
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:
“Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)
Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:
“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)
If I were some poor black woman givng birth to an illegitimate child, in Africa of all godforsaken places, you can damn well plan on me taking my little bundle of joy back to the good ole US of A and pretending he was born there. The only tin foil hat people in this country are the ones who believe anything and everything this guy (Obama) says.
Re allegation that Obama must have traveled to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport.
Baloney. Pakistan was not on the US State Department's no-travel list in 1981. In 1981, Pakistan was relatively peaceful, so peaceful that US newspapers ran travel articles recommending visiting "scenic Lahore." Pakistan International Airlines flew from New York's JFK Airport via London to Karachi.
Pakistan was not on any travel restriction from the US government, which in one of its publications stated that US citizens would receive 30-day visas on arrival at Pakistan airports. And Pakistan encouraged tourism.
So Obama could have and did travel on a USA passport. He never had a British passport or an Indonesian passport. Both Indonesia and the US State Department have now said that Obama was never an Indonesian citizen.
If I were some poor black woman givng birth to an illegitimate child, in Africa of all godforsaken places, you can damn well plan on me taking my little bundle of joy back to the good ole US of A and pretending he was born there.
Except that the Honolulu newspaper and Hawaii birth certificate says he was born there. The only way those are fakes are if someone had a time machine in 1961 and knew this baby was growing up to run for president.
Also, you are a "natural-born citizen" if you are born outside of the U.S., as long as your parents are U.S. citizens. My cousin was born in Japan (her dad was in the Army), but she's still a "natural-born U.S. citizen."
I wish we could drop the racial angle and the liberal vs. conservation yelling match. It cannot be termed a debate. Let us instead review a very important question of our Constitution. Please finish reading before launching into personal attacks.
The law reads " must be Natural Born and only a citizen of the USA " to qualify for president. To be "Natural Born" both parents must be American citizens and neither can be a citizen of any other country, “not subject to any foreign power”, Section 1992 of US Revised Statutes passed in 1866. Obama has written and their seems to be no controversy his father was a citizen of Kenya and thus under the law at the time a citizen of the UK. British law (see below) reads that any and all children born anywhere to UK citizens are themselves automatically UK citizens by default. This appears to disqualify our President from the office as both he and his father are citizens of the UK.
Under the 1948 Act, CUKC status was acquired by:
* birth in the UK or a colony (exceptions for children of 'enemy aliens' and diplomats). The immigration status of the parents was irrelevant.
* naturalisation or registration in the UK or a colony or protectorate
* legitimate descent from a CUKC father for children born elsewhere. Only the first generation acquired British nationality automatically. Second and subsequent generations could do so only if born outside the Commonwealth (or Ireland) and registered within 12 months of birth or if the father was in Crown Service.
* incorporation of territory (no persons ever acquired CUKC this way from 1949)
* declaration
* marriage
In the year 1866 the United States adopted a law ( Sec. 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes): “All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.” For those interested in racial matters this is how Congress helped codify the citizenship of those who were formerly slaves. The Federal Government, having never recognized the Confederacy, never saw those within the Confederacy as being subject to a foreign power.
If a foreign couple comes to America and has a child, that child is a citizen but is a not natural born citizen. A natural-born citizen of the United States means those persons born whose father the United States already has an established jurisdiction, father’s who are themselves citizens of the United States. A person born under a double allegiance cannot be a natural-born citizen of the United States. Born of an American mother and Kenyan father, who by British law automatically, without request or declaration bestowed UK citizenship means Obama is rightfully a citizen of the United States but can never be a natural-born citizen required of law.
You are now free to resume your name calling and insults but instead I hope we would look at the facts and see there is a Constitutional Issue here bigger than one President or one Party and it should be resolved.
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