Eleven percent of Americans do not believe President Obama was born in the United States, according to a DailyKos/Research 2000 poll released today. Another 12 percent are not sure.
The matter continues to thrive despite the embarrassment of many U.S. leaders, including Republicans, who have tried to put a clamp on the far-fetched theory that the President was actually born in Kenya, his father's birthplace, and therefore not eligible to be president of the United States.
Several lawsuits were filed during the campaign challenging then-Sen. Obama's eligibility to be president. All were rejected. The White House has tried to ignore the issue, but apparently felt compelled to speak out earlier this week. The Hawaii governor and health director have also spoken out recently in support of the President.
Based on the poll, some folks are not convinced.
Click here to see the Research 2000 poll, sponsored by the Daily Kos, a liberal blog.
The conservative website WorldNetDaily claims more than 400,000 people have signed a petition demanding more information on Obama's birth.
In the South, even fewer people believe the President is a naturally born citizen. Researchers found that that 23 percent of Americans in the Southeast do not believe President Obama was born in the United States, according to the Research 2000 poll. Another 30 percent are not sure.
A breakdown Research 2000 findings by party:
Democrats: 93 percent believe President Obama is U.S. born, 4 percent do not, and 3 percent are not sure.
Republicans: 42 percent think he was born here, 28 percent do not, and 30 percent are not sure.
Independents: 83 percent think he was born here, 8 percent do not, and 9 percent are unsure.
I don't really care where he was born, what color he is, or what kinda beer he drank at the beer summit.
I do care that he is bankrupting and ruining our country.
we made a mistake big time.
Citizenship is not enough to be POTUS. Natural Born Citizenship is required. The 1948 Law governing citizenship for the UK, Kenya the home of Mr. Obama Sr. was considered UK at the time of Mr Obama Jr's birth, states UK citizenship is automatically bestowed on the children of citizens of the UK where ever they are born. Automatically, no request, no registration required. Mr. Obama Jr was born with dual citizenship, UK from Dad and US from Mom. Natural Born Citizenship requires both Mom and Dad to be US Citizens. I believe section 1992 of statues passed by Congress in 1866. There is no need for a birth certificate or to dispute where Mr Obama Jr. was born. There is no dispute I am aware of about the identity of Mr. Obama's parents. Mr. Obama is a citizen of the US but is not a natural born citizen as required of being POTUS.It is important because it is a question of law and democracy without the restraint of law is simply mob rule.
he's muslim right ?
No I believe the Gates/Crowley Press Conference leap to judgement indeed proves Mr. Obama was in the Rev. Wrights Church for many years.
Actually, natural born citizenship only requires birth in the U.S. You are confusing the natural born with the dual citizenship. No dual citizenship is allowed to be POTUS. Obama was born with dual citizenship but was not a dual citizen when elected President. If you further review the Kenya/UK dual citizenship issues, you will discover that the other non-US citizenship expired when Obama turned 21. See below from Kenyan Constitution:
97. Dual citizenship
A person who, upon the attainment of the age of twenty-one years, is a citizen of Kenya and also a citizen of some country other than Kenya shall, subject to subsection (7), cease to be a citizen of Kenya upon the specified date unless he has renounced his citizenship of that other country, taken the oath of allegiance and, in the case of a person who was born outside Kenya. made and registered such declaration of his intentions concerning residence as may be prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament.
This issue is over. There are many more valid criticisms of Obama and this argument dilutes the others.
The Kenyan Law does not apply as Mr. Obama Jr. was Citizen of the UK. He had no Kenyan Citizenship to renounce. Kenyan citizenship was not technically possible until after 1963 Kenyan Independence. A 1963 or later Kenyan Law cannot govern a 1960 birth governed by 1948 UK Law. Obama's dual Citizenship is UK/US. No Kenyan citizenship involved.
Further a dual citizen can become a citizen in view of US Law, but not a natural born citizen. See Section 1992 Law from 1866.
The issue is not citizenship but natural born citizen.
If you are born in the US you are a US citizen parentage only need apply when the child of two citizens is born elsewhere. Obama was born in Hawaii so therfore he is a natural born citizen
I bet all the 11% that buy into this garbage are from the South.
Why doesn't he show proof to the world? Why has this question not put to bed???
We as bloggers to this page can debate our opinions on defining natural born citizen and probably never change the minds of someone with another opinion.
As the issue seems to create debate and a certain rigidity of opinion why should not our Supreme Court hear a case involving the question and adjudicate the issue for us all; once and for all?
Instead we are insulted by our judges and told as citizens, voters, and tax payors we have no standing in determining such an issue. Why?
I have to wonder how many of the poll respondents actually know where Honolulu is and whether or not Hawaii is a U.S. state.
"Natural Born Citizenship requires both Mom and Dad to be US Citizens"
is simply not true. Being born in the U.S. is enough to be a "Natural Born Citizen." If born in the U.S. and subject to U.S. jurisdiction (exception applied to people such as foreign diplomats), that person is a natural born citizen regardless of citizenship of parents. Section 1992 states plainly "All Persons born in the United States and are not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States."
The only thing about both parents being U.S. citizens is if born in foreign land, which was part of the McCain discussion as he was born outside of the U.S. but still a natural born U.S. citizen.
Section 1992 states plainly "All Persons born in the United States and are not subject to any foreign power, Agreed
The question to be posed for the Courts would be does a foreign citizenship, even if dual with US citizenship make the person subject to a foreign power?
I bet the same 11% also believe Elvis is still alive and the moon landing was fake.
i'll beleive we landed on the moon before i will that our kenyan prez was born in america.
Those "birthers" and teabaggers are a bunch of white supremacists who fear their genetic annihilation and feel "their way of life" is being threatened by non-white people.
... but I thought the moon landing was a fake ...
Would this be an issue if he was white? I'm sure I'm the first person to think of that question.
In fact, McCain was NOT born in the US--he was born in Panama.
i agree
teabaggers don't want to pay for your indiscretions
The percentages of belief and disbelief are irrelavant in a matter of law.
The question remains does receiving citizenship in the UK through his father mean Obama is subject to a foreign power under Section 1992?
If your opinion is UK citizenship does not make him subject to a foreign power then he is eligible for POTUS.
If your opinion is UK citizenship subjects him to a foreign power then he is not natural born citizen and does not meet the eligibility law for POTUS.
And the opinion that matters at SCOTUS is absent.
Why doesn't he just show his birth certificate?
Why doesn't he show his college transcripts?
He said it would be an open administration.
Just another one of his lies.
The corporate MSM is partly responsible for perpetuating this "birther" nonsense. The right has no solution to the nations problems, so all they can do is attack Obama's citizenship. When the left attacked Bush going AWOL from the TANG, the right got Dan Rather fired. I bet no one in the media get fired for questioning Obama's citizenship. This is nothing but white supremacy nonsense.
The obvious bigger problem here is the race issue since clearly there would be unholy national rioting if it were learned he wasnt a real citizen and the Supreme Court rule him illegal.
Obama is not that bad but he needs to never again cater or allow punkass scum like crybaby whiner negro Harvard professor Skip Gates to so arrogantly verbal assault the local police only doing their jobs. Gates used his WH connection unethically and in a disengenious way and Obama unwittingly got sucked in. Never again and the charges for disorderly conduct need to be reinstated. No preferential treatment. Noone is above the law including Obama or some punk arrogant little colored man like Gates.
This is what the massive, 24/7 right-wing propaganda effort hath wrought. Of course, you need a receptive citizenry, not too well educated, highly religious, who are susceptible to this kind of manipulation. It also helps to have lingering resentment from the destruction of a fondly remembered, segregated way of life. Unfortunately, the southeast fills all these categories. The Republicans seized the opportunity when the Democratic Party embraced the civil rights movement in the 60's, and have held on tight ever since.
This sort of garbage is sad and incredibly damaging to the national interest. It's how you get two terms of George W. Bush and all this irrational hatred for the most qualified and intelligent guy to become president in at least 75 years. His administration is having to expend time and energy with this nonsense that takes away from the pressing business he was elected to deal with.
Saddest of all, it's probably not going to stop. They'll continue to hound him on one distraction after another, for the remainder of his time in office. It's what they do. It seems to be all they know HOW to do.
All of the people who believe that Pres Obama is not a citizen are delusional, idiots or both. The very idea that the Republican Party would be so mind bogglingly incompetent to allow a person who does not meet the requirements to be president to run for the office is insane. If you do not like Pres. Obama policies fine, that is a legitmate discussion topic. The argument that somehow all of the legal scholars and experts in the country including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (who gave the Oath of Office) are wrong and your half baked, lame search on the internet definitively proves anything shows the posters' level of lunacy. These Birthers no matter how numerous are all as crazy as people who think the numerous moon landing are all fake. This entire argument speaks volumes about the quality of the education system and lack of common sense in this country.
So the witless Republican party simply overlooked this grand mistake and handed the presidency to Obama? Interesting that it only becomes an "issue" after the inauguration and the losing party wants nothing to do with any legal challenge.
Logic and reason will do nothing for these mouth breathers. They are the ones who send e-mails telling me that Bill Gates will send me $$ if I just forward message
Why this important constitutional question, interpretation of Section 1992, cannot be discussed and rationally debated without so many off topic posts or posts just filled with slurs, insults and misinformation is disturbing in so many many ways.Almost seems organized.
i agree, let's talk about section 1992.
and one more thing. duke stinks!
Yes i think he was born in Hawaii. However: "Just show me the money (birth certificate)." Why is it such a big deal for him not to do so?
We'll there's inherently always some level of ignorance built into society. Unfortunately 11% sounds quite low for the United States.
When did the Republican Party become infested with so many idiots?
It hasn't always been that way.
Sometimes I can't believe the gullibility and ignorance of my fellow citizens! These people have so much hate they just can't stand reality. (Buy we just went through so much of that during the Bush presidency.) If you are wondering if you are one of the citizens I am referring to, just ask yourself if you believe all you hear on the tv news/ entertainment channels or the press releases from either political party. Right wing or left wing - don't let others think for you and don't believe everything you hear or read without checking for yourself! That's why an educated public is necessary for our country's survival. I am signing this as anonymous so I don't receive hate mail from both sides.
"Why won't he just show his birth certificate?" The State of Hawaii has produced his birth certificate twice. By the way, do you have possession of your original birth certificate? Morons.
Where did this nonsense about nobody having seen his birth cirtificate come from anyway? He's furnished a copy, complete with raised seal, to every electorial office for which he's run and it's been required. They're on file, fercrissakes.
The fact that this stuff is just made-up by rabble-rousers is lost on the lemmings that buy it hook, line, and sinker. It's mass delusion fueled by an organized and relentless propagada effort.
And people wonder how the Nazis managed to create a right-wing nightmare in the most educated and advanced republic in Europe back in the 20's and 30's. Gads, it's so easy - just keep telling them they're victims and giving them villians to work up a good hate for. In this case, it's liberals and their desire to turn America into a totalitarian socialist state where the precious guns of righteous conservatives will be taken away and their grandparents euthanized. Or something. Doesn't really matter; the pattern is always the same.
Get your authentic Birthers Tin Foil hats here! Guaranteed to keep aliens out of your head, both the ones born outside the U.S. and the ones born outside the solar system!
Lou Dobbs is the most recent talking head to report on this. Saying "I believe that he is a citizen, but some still have questions, so why doesn't he just produce the evidence to conclude the matter".
Well, I don't believe that Lou Dobbs spends his weekends dressed in ladies undergarments, smearing peanut butter on every square inch of his body and has a pack of wild dogs lick it off, however there are some out there that believe that he does. So why doesn't Lou Dobbs produce conclusive proof of how he spends each and every weekend so that we can put this issue to rest.
Just because some whackjobs want to ignore reality doesn't mean you have to cater to them.
For the record I am a "teabagger" as someone called it. I would fall in the not sure category in regards to citizenship. I think he is a citizen but I still fall in that not sure category because he refuses to show the Birth Certificate. It seems there would be a really easy way to put these stories to rest... Show the Birth Certificate (Not a copy) and open the college records. I work for a local governement law enforcement agency. I had to about have a rectal exam on my history to get hired. My birth Certificate was only one of the documents I had to produce. This is the most powerful position in the US.
Just show the thing and let it be looked at and the few who will invariably continue not to believe will be relegated to obscurity and will only get attention on Midnight AM radio.
For the record, yes I am white. For the record I am not racist and it is not racist to question someone's Constitutional qualificatiions or policy decisions (For example I am not qualified to be a Senator based on my age, it is not ageism to say "Hey! Prove you are 30 years old!). I hate that I even feel the need to write that down but considering some of the attacks from the President's supports on here I felt it was necessary. Someone asked if this would be happening if the candidate was white. Yes it would. When is the last time there was a president who was born to someone who was not a citizen and who wasn't even a permenant resident of the US. I too am publishing this anonymously for the obvious reasons.
Anon 5:55
Lou Dobbs smearing peanut butter has nothing to do with qualifications to have the most powerfull job in the Land... That's the difference. The president's Constitutional Qualifications matter!!
Stupid really is forever.
The problem is not the more highly intelligent enlighened insightful conservatives or the extremely mentally challenged ignorant liberals.
The problem is "president" Obama refusing to release an authenic unaltered original birth certificate.
Every president in history has never hidden their required qualifications birth certificate so why does Obama?
Obviously there is a problem with Mr. Obama producing his birth verification and this will not go away until he does ...
Ever notice: On ALL the search engine searches (Read they've been suppressing pro-birther results) the criticisms of all us "Birthers" is the same as they do in Red China?
There, the government employs a horde of "Netizens" to go to sites to humiliate & denigrate & suppress anti-government talk. They're paid about $.25 each, I've read.
Just like these apparent ACORN operatives do, they ALWAYS humiliate, denigrate, and use varying terms of "Mental Illness" in volume! Buzzwords like "Wingnut," "Birther," "Insane,"Unhinged, "Delusional,"
That's what happens to the average Chinese when they type out loud, and the Chinese have even more "Mental Health" Prisons as do the Russians.
The apparent wave of the future for us here in Obamaland?
But the CHICOMS have been waging economic and PSYOPS warfare on us a long time. They've apparently continued their terroristic use of Biblical prophesies (Remember what they did on 6/6/6?) by creating as part of The Big 0's Economic Manchurian Candidate grooming and Legend, that he's actually the Anti-Christ (Imagine the desired reactions.) That his name, "Barrack Obama," means "Antichrist," in ancient Hebrew in the Book of Luke, according to a religious researcher can be seen at this YouTube video on World Net News.
"Telling the truth during times of universal deceit will be a revolutionary act." George Orwell, "1984"
I love it! Keep up the crazy conspiracy talk Republicans and Obama gets another 4 years. Even Ann Coulter has conceded to the facts for a change. Tell me again how a the government that is so incompetent can cover up the birth certificate of a president? Heck if they are that clever then they should be running the health care system.
"Why won't he just show his birth certificate?"
All these ignorant morons almost make me regret moving to the South. Open your weak minds and accept that maybe some information outside of Fox News and Michael Savage is actually accurate. When you complain about why America is losing it's advantage in the world, look in the mirror to find the answer.
Now - can we please focus on REAL issues like health care reform, lowering taxes and changing immigration?
Many detest the thought of Joe Biden being president too but some who relocate to the Great American South suffer from a weaker lib brain and ignore the US Constitution.
It would be unfortunate for Obama to be ousted as president and sent to jail and possibly executed for treason but America cannot ignore him being an African British illegal instead of an African America legal as he claims since Kenya was a colony of the UK.
His Kenyan grandmother can clear all this up since she verfies that he was born in Nairobi Kenya and surely it would have been hard to miss a 9 month pregnant white female in all black Kenya 47 years ago.
Obama Born In Kenya? His Grandmother Says Yes. YouTube - Obama Grandmother audio: Barack Born in Kenya Grandmother says Obama born in Kenya.
Grandmother says Obama born in Kenya Obama's grandmother says he was born in Kenya. Obama's grandmother says he was born in Kenya. Category: Nonprofits & Activism ..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bloHSojeLAw
Democrat: Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth. He said the telephone call was from Obama's paternal grandmother affirming she " was in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born.
Obama's Grandmother Says He was Born in Kenya - Topix
Newsvine - Obama Born In Kenya? His Grandmother Says Yes
No more dirty tricks please, says Obama's grandmother ...... When Obama's own family members are saying he was born in Kenya. Something is up. ...
The Commentary - Obama's Grandmother Says He Was Born In Kenya. Obama's Grandmother Says He Was Born In Kenya ... Senator Obama's grandmother still resides in the village of Alego-Kogello, approximately 37 miles from ...
Obama's Grandmother says he was born in Kenya, « The Arizona Sentinel.Here's the question, if Obama, was born in Kenya , as his grand mother says, how did the FBI miss it. This issue is only going to snowball.
clear proof barack hussein obama was born in kenya.
"clear proof barack hussein obama was born in kenya"
So an anonymous person comes forward with a Kenyan "birth certificate" that is full of holes (i.e. the Republic of Kenya not being a Republic until December of that year) and all the birthers take it as gospel.
Let's compare the evidence supporting the two:
Born in the USA: Birth Certificate that has been verified by numerous independent sources, including but not limited to: Hawaii department of health, the Republican Gov. of Hawaii, various fact checking websites. Oh, and it was good enough for the STATE DEPARTMENT who gave Obama a passport with it.
Born in Kenya: a "certificate" with factual errors provided by an anonymous source.
Seriously, when Ann Coulter calls you crazy, it might be time to throw in the towel.
And more evidence this is a forgery.
Kenya was a Dominion the date this certificate was allegedly issued and would not become a republic for 8 months.
Mombasa belonged to Zanzibar when Obama was born, not Kenya.
Obama's father's village would be nearer to Nairobi, not Mombasa.
The number 47O44-- 47 is Obama's age when he became president, followed by the letter O (not a zero) followed by 44--he is the 44th president.
EF Lavender is a laundry detergent.
Clearly the paternal christian Kenyan grandmother is 100% telling the truth and wouldnt lie about such a major family advent for her son and birth of her grandson. Evenso there are no less than 2 Hawaiian hospitals who claim he was born there and then denials of it. Go with the grandmother. Obviously Obama knows he was born in Kenya and there are many witnesses so he will not discuss his birth or produce a birth certificate.
Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital
Jul 7, 2009 ... Claim on MyBarackObama.com that Obama was born in Queen's ... "Why did the president claim to be born at two different hospitals in Hawaii? ... Meanwhile, there are some who maintain Obama was not born in the U.S. ... The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born ...
Adding to the mystery of Obama's alleged Hawaiian birth, two ...
Adding to the mystery of Obama's alleged Hawaiian birth, two hospitals claim his birth. The Rainbow Edition Volume 2, Issue 3. Education Laboratory School ...
Hospitals in Hawaii to Obama: You Were Not Born Here! - on ...
Page 5: Supposed Conspiracy Claim Turns REAL on Obama It is becoming painfully obvious that ... Posted 2 days ago; 391 comments; +51 / -1 raves ..... then why is there doubt he was born in Hawaii, and the highest courts in the land are ...
are these ignoramuses (the birthers) the same people who believe that the earth is flat and if you sail far enough, you'll fall off the edge?
You can always spot a sore loser when they begin the name-calling although technically the biggest "birther" of all is Baracks own paternal grandmother and of course himself who knows the real truth.
Unfortunately his dad and mom would also be "birthers" but they are both deceased.
The practical way to handle this would be for Obama to come clean and let the chips fall. The US Supreme Court would get involved in the end to either hold him to the US Constitution or make an exception and this could be a real possibility. Time to fess up ... this is the only way to quiet the "birthers" and allow the truth to come to light as it should.
Anyone hee ever heard of the Secret Service or CIA. If you think these groups don't know about the birthplace of a President elect, you have reached a level of paranoia I cannot fathom. These two groups know just about all there is to know before a President takes office-
Anyone of the nonbelievers also naysayers that man has ever landed on the moon? I thought so.
My bet Obama is hiding the fact that the people he calls his parents are not his biological parents. The birth certificate would reveal the lies. Obama does not want the world to know that he has not told the full truth about his biological parents.
This issue should not just die. Who in the U.S. cannot produce his or her own birth certificate ? Or at least explain what the problem is, if there is one !!!!
This is a "no brainer"!!!
Produce it or step down and let your corrupt Chicago friends get accepted by the people of our country
to run the country! It will never happen! Please be honest with the real citizens of our country and stop this nonsense. And take Joe Biden with you for numerous reasons you probably now better than I do!
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