Hideki Matsui of Kanazawa, Japan was awarded the MVP trophy Wednesday following the Yankees’ 7-3 Game 6 World Series victory over the Phillies. He was one of six immigrants on the field, not to mention other players who were the children of immigrants.
Watching the baseball game on TV, I couldn't help but notice many of the last names of the batters coming to the plate - Ruiz and Cano - and the pitchers on the mound - Martinez and Rivera. It was cool seeing Dominicans and Panamanians in the big game.
It’s been a great week for immigrants in sports. Meb Keflezighi, the Eritrean born runner, pointed at the U.S.A. emblazoned on his shirt as he crossed the finish line to win the New York City Marathon.
To be clear, this is not a post about illegal immigration. These athletes are all in the country legally.
But in today’s political climate, and on this blog, the debate can lump all immigrants together.
And, in the midst of the angry rhetoric, their contributions can be forgotten.
You still don't get it, do you?
No one is confusing legal with illegal immigrant except YOU...
No, you don't get it. Read the post again carefully and slowly and try to comprehend it this time.
Why so defensive? Is it because Franco hit the nail on the head? Having dealt with strangers my whole life who didn't know any better, I bet that's exactly what it is. He hit a nerve and you felt the need to defend yourself.
Plenty, and I do mean PLENTY of people here still confuse legal with illegal. Hell, some even confuse people who were born and raised here with illegal. Need proof? Read Observer article comments, watch Lou Dobbs, or attend one of those tea parties.
. So it’s nice sometimes to be reminded there are all sorts of immigrants in this country: athletes, musicians, judges, and politicians.
Yes, legally in this country, with a REAL Social Security Number, paying taxes, just like the rest of us, and unlike Frankie's friends who lurk in the background with fake IDs, getting paid cash, for much less than a standard wage which drives wages down, with stolen identities. But let's forget all the laws they have broken and welcome them with open arms.
Yes, Franco, but you forgot that many highlited and outstanding athlets, sportmen, musicians, entertainers, scholars, NASA astronauts, even politicians came to the United States illegally. Just a good example is the famous dog trainer Cesar Solís. He´s from Mexico and he arrived "wet" through Rio Bravo. Today he´s a proud American citizen.
Do you know one thing? Good people, deserve a good opportunity, but bigot racists want to deny it, albeit many of their ancestors, arrived illegaly.
Why is the comment of Anonymous 10:21 allowed to stand posted? Is that sort of unreasoned attack what this blog is about?
Surely people without faith can draw meaning in their lives from the nativist/white nationalist terror that they can find on hate-group websites.
I would hate to think this is one of those sites. In an ideal world, a newspaper blog might even aspire to be a step above Jerry Springer.
If he legal then no problem because he waited his turn and didnt break in the lunch line like a thug to get what his greed and selfishness wants. Thats the criminal mentality. If you want it then take it. It dosent matter if its not yours. Screw the laws and rules.
And dont forget these illegals are legal citizens of their own country.
If he is an illegal and broke the law and rules then the award should be taken away from him.
Its real simple.
Once again Frankie shows his lack of intellect. Actually it is an insult to the educated people in this country that he is allowed to contribute to this paper.
For a change from the usual angry posts...It IS good to see people are still coming to this country to make their lives better, to live the "American Dream". Good for them.
Why is this a story? To show all the good things immigrants do. I am the granddaughter of immigrants. This country was built by immigrants from all nations and yes, they have done great things. The World Series MVP is a LEGAL immigrant as are many of his teammates. What's your point, Franco? That even illegals will do great things? It would be a great thing if we could deport them.
Like the poem "sticks and stones", words bounce off beaner journalist wanna-bees. To really hit the beaner were it hurts? Just fire him! Yep, just cancel the Observer. Birdcage papers like the Observer are really hurting all over the U.S. They slant the news and lie like hell. You can PUT THEM OUT OF BUSNESS. Just cancel the paper!
What would Jesus do?
"The alien who dwells with you shall be unto you just as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself." Leviticus 19:34
"He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing." Deuteronomy 10:18
Wow, I don't see how asking for immigration laws to be enforced is racist? The reason we have them is to make sure that the country is able to absorb immigrants in a fashion that doesn't cripple our public services and infrastructure.
As always an excellent posting.The
way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.
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