Bank of America, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, and the Ballantyne Hotel & Lodge are just a few places enrolled in a federal program that identifies illegal immigrants.
We report today that as the Obama administration warns that it will focus on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants, N.C. companies are signing up in droves for a once-obscure federal program that allows them to root out illegal immigrants. In the past two years, the number of N.C. employers signing up for E-Verify, which verifies applicants' Social Security numbers with federal databases, has increased more than 700 percent to 2,567.
Who else is signed up?
Click here to see an edited spreadsheet from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that lists enrolled Carolina companies.
Typical government information release...not sorted by city, business type or name, so you have to look through 70 pages to find a company. Not in a format that you can upload to your own spreadsheet to use. This seems purposefully obscure and difficult to use; it complies with the information act but doesn't make it easy.
Well, I can tell you who ISN'T signed up:
Any businesses containing the words
Maybe ICE can concentrate on the businesses which haven't signed up on this list.
Or does that make too much sense?
So this list is basically a list of where illegal immigrants probably shouldn't apply for jobs.
It's so nice of our government to supply that, now isn't it?
Don't apply HERE, or we'll catch you...
128 Construction Companies and 170 Specialty Trade Contractors aren't hiring illegals and still hope to be competitive.
I wish someone would publish a list of companies that HAS NOT signed up.
I will then personally boycott any services they provide. I will hit them where it hurts- their pocketbook!
Fan of Legals!
Just look at how many ways someone can be here legally:
With that many legal means of being here, I have NO sympathy for those choicing to be illegally.
I had to come here legally and jump through all the hoops and spend a bunch of money to do it the right way. Why do we as legal immigrants have to suffer and get passed over for illegal immigrants?
Illegal immigrants are stealing people's identities, ruining their credit, taking the identities of children, too. The ones not using a stolen SS number are not paying taxes. They take jobs and hold down wages in every industry they work. They have become an additional burden to social services, hospitals and our schools. When my parents came to this country from Greece, they did it *LEGALLY*. They had no Greek words plastered on everything and there aren't any special Greek classes in public schools. They had to learn English and they did. I am so tired of this country bending over backwards to make it easy for *illegal* immigrants to invade our country. Enough already. Enforce our laws!
This US accepts more legal immigrants, every single year, than anyother country- 800,000 to 1,000,000.
We don't want legal immigration to stop. But, the overwhleming flood on *illegal* immigrants must stop.
We cannnot afford it, we can barely take care of our own citizens. People need to wake up, stop this insanity.
Illegal immigrants are stealing people's identities, ruining their credit, taking the identities of children, too. The ones not using a stolen SS number are not paying taxes. They take jobs and hold down wages in every industry they work. They have become an additional burden to social services, hospitals and our schools. When my parents came to this country from Greece, they did it *LEGALLY*. They had no Greek words plastered on everything and there aren't any special Greek classes in public schools. They had to learn English and they did. I am so tired of this country bending over backwards to make it easy for *illegal* immigrants to invade our country. Enough already. Enforce our laws!
Every country has immigration laws; a lot of countries have much stricter laws and hasher consequences than we come close to. Our immigration laws are quite liberal in comparison to Mexico, Central and South American countries. Especially, our path to citizenship and what foreigners can own are much looser than many countries. I get so tired of the hypocritical blather that leaders of other countries spew against the US about our debate on *illegal* immigrants. It's ironic the massive amount of insults and criticisms hurled at the US, and yet so many are beating down our doors and dying to come here... year after year after year.
The US accepts more legal immigrants, every single year, than any other country- 800,000 to 1,000,000. We don't want legal immigration to stop. But, the overwhelming flood of *illegal* immigrants must stop. We cannot afford it; we can barely take care of our own citizens. People need to wake up, stop this insanity. Without *enforcing* our *laws* the situation has gotten out of control. Resentment and anger are resulting from this lack of enforcement and seemingly the government just ignoring the situation. The government's unwillingness to do its job is really responsible for the increasing backlash against illegal immigrants, which is spilling over to all immigrants in general. People want something done, they want the laws enforced. Or, they start getting angry, some even taking the law into their own hands. Because the government, local, state and federal have let things get this point, it is harder to fix. It's like many things the government does, ignore it until it becomes a looming disaster. Enforce our laws and enforce them now.
People's lives, US citizens' lives are being ruined and turned upside down because of this mess. Because- our government doesn’t want to upset those that are breaking the law or condone such activity. Think about that for a minute. It's a ludicrous situation and simply is *not* right. Powerful business interests love the cheap labor and Democrats love the idea of future voters, since the majority of Hispanics typically vote for a Democrat. Enough is enough.
The articles below are just the tip of the iceberg. It's past time to do the right thing, and the right thing is to enforce the laws of this country. Enforce our laws!
Her ATM card, illegal immigrant's face
The secret list of ID theft victims
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